Toll Free No. : 1800 – 180 – 5522
E-mail: helpline@antiragging.in

Ragging means display of disorderly conduct, during of any act which causes or is likely to cause physical or psychological harm or raise apprehension or fear or shame or embarrassment to a student in any educational institution and includes –

  • Teasing, abusing, threatening or playing practical jokes on or causing hurt to, such student; or
  • Asking a student to do any act or perform something which such student will not, in the ordinary course, willingly, do. Prohibition of ragging : R agging within or outside of any educational institution is prohibited. Penalty of ragging: Whoever directly or indirectly commits, participates in, abets or propagates ragging within or outside any educational institution, shall, on conviction, be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to two Dismissal of student: Any student convicted of an offence under Section 4 shall be dismissed from the educational institution and such student shall not be admitted in any other educational institution for a period of five years from the date of order of such dismissal. Suspension of student: Whenever any student of„ as the case may be, the parent or guardian, or a teacher of an educational institution complaints, in writing, of ragging to the head of the educational institution, the head of that educational institution shall, without prejudice to the fore going provisions, within seven days of the receipt of the complaint enquire into the matter mentioned in the complaint and if, prima facie, it is found true, suspend the student who is accused of the offence, and shall, immediately forward the complaint to the police station having jurisdiction over the area in which the educational institution is situated, for further action.
    Where on enquiry by the head of the educational institution, it is proved that there is no substance, prima facie, in the complaint received under sub-section [1J, he shall intimate the fact, in writing to the complaint. The decision of the head of the educational institution that the student has indulged in ragging under sub-section (1), shall be final.

Anti-Ragging Process – View     |    Antiragging UGC Letter – View     |    Say no to Ragging! – View

NOTE: The student(s) should report the incident of ragging (if any) to the Principal immediately, so that the necessary steps can be initiated in the matter.

The Anti-Ragging committee of the college has been monitoring against any ragging activities headed by the Principal of the college.

Committee Members

Sr. No. Name Position
1 Sreekala Nair Convenor
2 Ranjana Mhalgi Member
3 Sandhya Pandey Member
4 Mahesh Kandalkar Member
5 Yogita Gandhe Member
6 S. Mary Member


Awareness Program on Anti Ragging

Name of the committee: Anti –Ragging Cell
Name of the event: Awareness Program on Anti Ragging
Date: 19th July  to 2nd August ,2024
Venue : Classroom
Purpose  : To promote anti- ragging through Anti ragging cell of the college
Outcome : Students were made aware of anti-ragging  committee in the college
Male beneficiaries -176
Female beneficiaries -240
Total beneficiaries-416


Awareness Program on Anti Ragging

Name of the committee: Anti –Ragging Cell

Name of the event: Awareness Program on Anti Ragging

Date: 14th to 24th July ,2023

Venue : Classroom

Purpose  : To promote anti- ragging through Anti ragging cell of the college

Outcome : Students were made aware of anti-ragging  committee in the college

Male beneficiaries -203

Female beneficiaries -233

Total beneficiaries-436


Orientation on Anti-Ragging Cell

Name of the committee: Anti –Ragging Cell

Name of the event: Awareness Program on Anti Ragging

Date: 17th August ,2022

Venue: Classroom

Purpose: To promote anti- ragging through Anti ragging cell of the college

Outcome: Students were made aware of anti-ragging committee in the college

Male beneficiaries: – 79

Female beneficiaries: – 84

Total beneficiaries: – 163


Awareness Program on Anti Ragging

Name of the committee: Anti – Ragging Cell

Name of the event: Awareness Program on Anti Ragging

Date: 14th to 21st March 2022

Venue: Classroom

Purpose: To promote anti- ragging through Anti ragging cell of the college

Outcome: Students were made aware of anti-ragging related activities through video screening

Male beneficiaries: – 365

Female beneficiaries: – 511

Total beneficiaries: – 876