The Department of Lifelong Learning and Extension [DLLE] established in the Year 2016-17 with the enrolment of 66 students to promote a meaningful and sustained rapport between the College and the community. In the year 2020-21,85 students from all the streams enrolled for DLLE. This programme aimed at promoting human development, exchange of ideas, innovations and research and providing an opportunity to develop professionalism and leadership qualities, in short, ‘ Reach to Unreached’.

Name of Extension Work Teachers
Sr. No. | Name of the Faculty | Role |
1 | Rasika Shinde | Convenor |
2 | Shilpa Nimbre | Member |
3 | Sandhya Pandey | Member |
Student Managers
Sr. No. | Name | Class |
1 | Saloni Malgaonkar | SYBCOM |
2 | Pragati Shetty | TYBBI |
3 | Amit Dubey | TYBAF |
4 | Shivam Shukla | SYBMS |
5 | Nishita Shinde | TYBMM |
6 | Dipti Dharne | SYIT |
2024 – 25
First term training program
Name of the Department: Departemnt of Lifelong Learning and Extension
Name of the Event: First term training program
Organizing Agency: NIL
Date: 08-10-2024
Time: 11 am
Venue: Classroom
Purpose of the Activity: DLLE First Term Training Program was arranged for registered DLLE students and resource person Dr.Rajashree Kolhatkar madam guided the students and discussed with them important points relating to their projects.
Students got aware about the different projects under DLLE and rules and regulations to be followed related to the same
Total Beneficiaries: 51
World Environment Health Day
Name of the Department: Department of Lifelong Learning and Extension
Name of the Event: World Environment Health Day
Organizing Agency: NIL
Date: 26-09-2024
Time: 10 am
Venue: College Campus
Purpose of the Activity: World Environment Health Day was celebrated on 26th Sept 2024 in the college premises. Students were shown an audio visual on how to protect the health of environment and awareness for the same was created.
Students got aware about how to preserve the health of environment and gave their thoughts on protecting the same.
Total Beneficiaries: 190
2023 – 24
First Term Training Programme

Second Term Training Programme

World Ozone Day

2022 – 23
First Term Training Programme
Name of the Committee: DLLE
Name of the Event: First Term Training programme
Date: 17th September 2022
Time: 11 p.m. to 1.p.m
Venue : College Auditorium
Department of Life Long Learning and Extension (DLLE) had organized first term orientation program for DLLE on 17th September 2022 from 11 p.m. to 1.p.m The objective of orientation program was to make students aware about the different DLLE extension activities, student managers, to inform tentative schedule of activities that they need to perform under extension activities.
The orientation program was conducted by Field Coordinator Prof. Rajashree Kolhatkar from Guru Nanak Khalsa College of Arts, Science and Commerce. The students were briefed about how beneficial it is to be a part of the DLLE unit to inculcate the much-needed awareness in students. Students were very motivated to enroll in this department as they are to take up the projects which give them the exposure to the world outside four walls.
A total of 112 students attended the program.
Second Term Training Programme
Name of the Committee: DLLE
Name of the Event: Second Term Training programme
Date: 13th March 2023
Time: 11 p.m. to 1.p.m
Venue : College Auditorium
Department of Life Long Learning and Extension (DLLE) had organized second term orientation program for DLLE on 13th March,2023 from 11 p.m. to 1.p.m
The orientation program was conducted by Field Coordinator Prof. Rajashree Kolhatkar from Guru Nanak Khalsa College of Arts, Science and Commerce. She trained students about how to complete their projects and write the project report book , which was the crucial step of their extension activity. Also Career exhibition by Career Project Students was exhibited.
Total 95 students attended and took the benefit of it.
2021 – 22
DLLE Udaan Festival
Date: 09/07/2020
The IQAC and DLLE Unit of THE S.I.A. COLLEGE OF HIGHER EDUCATION, Dombivli (East) Jointly with DLLE Department, Mumbai University Organized a
2020 – 21
Orientation of DLLE Unit
Date: 30/9/2020
Orientation of DLLE unit was conducted in different batches through PPT on Microsoft Teams on 21 to 24/9/2020 and 29 to 30/9/2020. FYIT-48,FYBMS A -51, FYBMS B-26,FYBBI-30,FYBCOM -70,FYBAF-31 and FYBMM -12 students have attended this orientation.
First Term Training Programme
Report of First Term Training Programme attended
Date: 10/11/2020
Hasitkumar.Nagariya, Anuradha Gawde, Shilpa Nimbre, Rasika Shinde, Laita Singh ,Extension Work Teachers along with 6 Student Managers have attended First Term Training Programme on 9/11/2020 at 11am to 2.30 pm on Zoom platform organised by DEPARTMENT OF LIFELONG LEARNING AND EXTENSION,UNIVERSITY OF MUMBAI AND K.J.SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND COMMERCE,VIDYAVIHAR and received Certificate for the same. Instructions regarding Enrolment of Students as well as Online activities to be conducted for different projects are explained.
Report of First Term Training Programme for Extension Work
Date: 20/03/2021
First Term Training Programme of DLLE was organized on 19-03-2021 at 11am on Microsoft Teams .Prof. Rajashree Kolhatkar ,External Field Co-ordinator, Khalsa College, Matunga have guided the DLLE Students regarding preparation of projects of Survey of Status of Women in Society and Carrer Oriented Projects. 43 Students have attended the same.
Second Term Training Programme
Date: 20/04/2021
Second Term Training Programme of DLLE was organized on 20-4-2021 at 12.30pm on Microsoft Teams .Prof. Hasitkumar. Nagariya have guided the DLLE Students regarding submission of projects of Survey of Status of Women in Society and Carrer Oriented Projects. 47 Students have attended the same.
National Webinar
Date: 09/07/2020
The IQAC and DLLE Unit of THE S.I.A. COLLEGE OF HIGHER EDUCATION, Dombivli (East) Jointly with DLLE Department, Mumbai University Organized a National webinar on “Key to Get Stress Free: Inner Connect for Powerful Living “ in association with Yoga Prabha Bharati (Seva Sanstha) Trust On Monday, June 8, 2020 from 5 PM to 6.30 PM for Teaching staff and Non- Teaching staff on ” MICROSOFT TEAMS ” Application. Dr. Kunal Jadhav , Associate Professor, DLLE Department, Mumbai University was the Chief Guest for the webinar. Mrs. Seema Dasgupta and Mr. Sandeep Narang, HR Professional , Yoga Prabha Bharati (Seva Sanstha) Trust was the Resource Person for the webinar. Total 744 participants have registered for the webinar and 306 participants have attended the webinar. Certificates were issued to all the participants who have attended the webinar.
Date: 22/7/2020
The DLLE and NSS Unit of THE S.I.A. COLLEGE OF HIGHER EDUCATION, Dombivli (East) Organized a National webinar on “Yoga for Harmony and Peace“ in association with Yoga Prabha Bharati (Seva Sanstha) Trust On Monday, June 21, 2020 from 5 PM to 6.30 PM for Teaching staff ,Non- Teaching staff and Students on ” MICROSOFT TEAMS ” Application. Mrs.Pradnya Moghe,Yoga Trainer and Mr. Kirtibhai Astik, Resource Person, Yoga Prabha Bharati (Seva Sanstha) Trust was the Resource Person for the webinar. Total 622 participants have registered for the webinar and 369 participants have attended the webinar. Certificates were issued to all the participants who have attended the webinar.
SES REC Action Plan
Date: 3/9/2020
THE S.I.A. COLLEGE OF HIGHER EDUCATION is now a Recognized Social Entrepreneurship, Swachhta & Rural Engagement Cell (SES REC) Institution. The Institution has successfully framed the SES REC Action Plan and constituted ten working groups for improving facilities in the Campus and the Community/Adopted Villages areas of Sanitation & Hygiene, Waste Management, Water Management, Energy Conservation and Greenery post COVID-19, along with the observation of three environment, entrepreneurship and community engagement related days to inculcate in faculty, students and community, the practices of Mentoring, Social Responsibility Swachhta and Care for Environment and Resources. DLLE Unit jointly with Eco Club have registered for this programme with Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education,Government of India on 2-9-2020 and also received the certificate for the same.
Date: 15 MAY,2021
Name: Ms.Iyer Mahatty Thyagarajan (Tyit)
Prize: 1st Prize In Article Writing Competition
Venue: S.M.Shetty College Of Science,commerce & Management Studies, Powai, Mumbai
Date: 15 MAY,2021
Name: Ms. Dakua Smitee Shivaram (Sybaf)
Prize: 2nd Prize In Article Writing Competition
Venue: S.M.Shetty College Of Science,commerce & Management Studies, Powai, Mumbai
2019 – 20
First Term Training Programme
Report of First Term Training Programme attended
Date: 28/7/19
Prof.Anuradha Gawde ,Extension Work Teacher along with 2 Student Managers have attended the First Term Training Program at Shri Sidh Thakurnath College of Arts and Commerce, Ulhasnagar in association with University of Mumbai on 27th June 2019.
Report of First Term Training Programme for Extension Work
Date: 31/7/19
The first term training programme was successfully conducted on 31st July 2019 in college auditorium. Prof. Rajashree Kolhatkar, external field coordinator from Guru Nanak Khalsa college, Matunga was invited as resource person.
Prof. Kolhatkar greeted all the extension work students for taking up the extension work. She explained the Moto of DLLE- reach to unreached.
Further she guided students on five extension projects viz. Carrier oriented project, Survey of status of women and population education club, Annapurna Yojana and Industry Orientation Project. She explained how to go about each project and the skills students will be acquiring after completion of the project. She gave the guidance on two field visits and UDAAN festival which is annual gathering of all DLLE units of Mumbai University.116 extension work students participated in First term training programme.
Second Term Training Programme
Report of Second Term Training Programme attended
Date: 21/12/19
Prof. Hasitkumar Nagariya, Prof.Shilpa Nimbre, Extension Work Teachers and Amit Dubey (FYBAF) ,Chaitali Shettigar (SYBMS) ,Student Managers have attended 2nd Term Training Programme at SICES Degree College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Ambernath (W) at 10am on 20th December 2019 and got guidance about submission of DLLE Projects as well as UDDAN Festival. Certificates was given to all the participants.
Report of Second Term Training Programme and Screening of Documentary on Pollution Control
Date: 31/8/19
Second Term Training Programme for DLLE Registered Students was organized at 11am and 12pm at College Auditorium and Prof. Rajashree Kohatkar Madam, Khalsa College, Matunga-External Field Coordinator have explained the rules and regulations for submitting DLLE Projects to all DLLE Students. Feedback Forms were distributed and feedback about programme was collected from the students.
136 DLLE Students have attended Second Term Training Programme.
At 10am Screening of Documentary on Pollution Control has been done for 74 Population Education Club Students.
2018 – 19
Orientation of DLLE Unit
Date: 1/9/18
Students who have registered for DLLE have attended the Orientation Programme of DLLE Unit. Awareness were created among students about registration procedure and various projects through which they can be benefitted.87 Students have attended the same on 31/8/2018.
First Term Training Programme
First Term Training Programme attended
Date: 5/8/18
Mr.Hasitkumar. Nagariya, Extension Work Teacher along with Student Manager Nimishika .Manikantan from SYBBI attended 1st Term Training Program at B. N. Bandodkar College of Science, Thane (W) on 04/08/2018 at 10am.The Guidance on Various Projects was given by Faculty of DLLE Department of Mumbai University. Certificates was given to all the participants.
First Term Training Programme for Extension Work
Date: 23/9/18
First Term Training Programm of DLLE was organized on 22-09-2018 at 11am in College Auditorium.Prof.Rajashree Kolhatkar ,External Field Co-ordinator have guided the DLLE Students.regarding preparation of projects of Survey of Status of Women in Society, Population Education Club and Carrer Oriented Projects. 87 Students have attended the same.
Second Term Training Programme
Second Term Training Programme attended
Date: 12/12/18
Mrs.Anuradha Gawde,Extension Work Teacher along with Student Managers Bhagyesh Joshi and Isha Parikh from TYBMS attended 2nd Term Training Programme on 11-12-18 at Sheth Hirachand Mutha College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Kalyan. DLLE Unit of Mumbai University provided guidelines regarding submission of projects and final evaluation rules and regulations.
Second Term Training Programme for Extension Work
Date: 12/1/18
Second Term Trainining Programme was oraganized on 11/1/19 from 11.30am to 12.30pm in College Auditorium and Prof.Rajashree Madam have explained the rules and regulations for submitting DLLE Projects to all DLLE Students .82 Students have attended the same.
Essay Writing Competition
Date: 23/9/18
87 Students of Population Education Club Students of DLLE Unit have participated in Essay Writing Competition on topics related with Social Issues organized at 12pm at College Auditorium.
Poster Making
Date: 11/11/18
DLLE Unit in association with Counselling Department have organised Poster Making Competition to spread positive message about mental health on 10/11/18 at 11am.on account of World Mental Health Day .36 Students of Population Education Club have created posters and displayed in the college corridor.
Visit to Gharkool
Date: 14/11/18
DLLE Unit in association with Counselling Department have organised Visit to Gharkool, Khoni-Home for Mentally Challenged People. 28 Students along with 2 Faculty have visited Gharkool, Khoni on 13-11-2018 at 9am.Students have organised Drawing Competition for them. Faculty and students have donated Rs.2000 to this organization.
One Minute Talk
Date: 12/1/19
Population Education Club students have participated in One Minute Talk Competition on Topics related with Social Issues on 11/1/19. 36 Students have participated in the same.
UDDAN Festival
Date: 23/1/19
15 Students have participated in Street Play Competition on Women Empowerment in UDDAN Festival of University of Mumbai at Vedanta College of Management & IT,Vitthalwadi on 22/1/19 and also 2 Students have participated in Poster Making Competition along with 2 Student Managers and Prof.Anuradha Gawade .All students and Faculty got participation certificate.
PPT Presentation on Cleanliness Drive
Date: 16/3/19
Population Education Club Students along with student managers have conducted PPT Presentation on “Cleanliness” for students of Acharya Bhise Guruji Prathmic Vidyalaya, Dombivli(E) on 15/3/19. 36 Students have attended the same.
Report of First Term Training Programme for Extension Work
Date: 23/9/2017
First Term Training Programme was conducted for Registered students of DLLE on 23rd September 2017 at 11am in College Auditorium.. Prof. Rajashree Kolhatkar , Guru Nanak Khalsa College of Arts, Science and Commerce , Matunga was a Resource Person for the Programme. She had oriented DLLE students about two projects of Status of Women in Society and Population Education Club.121 Students have attended the same.
Report of Second Term Training Programme For Extension Work
Date: 12/1/2018
Second Term Training Programme was conducted for Registered students of DLLE on 12th January 2018 at 11am in College Auditorium. Prof. Rajashree Kolhatkar, Guru Nanak Khalsa College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Matunga was a Resource Person for the Programme. She had oriented DLLE students about submission of two projects of Status of Women in Society and Population Education Club. 121 Students have attended the same.
UDDAN Festival
Date: 23/1/2018
15 Students participated and won 1st Prize in Street Play Competition and 1 Student participated in Poster Making Competition in UDDAN FESTIVAL- University of Mumbai-Intercollegiate DLLE Programme at Shree Halari Visha Oswal College of Commerce,Bhiwandi on 23rd January 2018.
PPT Presentation on Cleanliness Drive
Date: 17/2/2018
Population Education Club students have arranged PPT Presentation on Cleanliness Drive at Janani Ashish Charitable Trust, Dombivli EAST on 17th February 2018.
Report of PPT Presentation on Food Wastage
Date: 21/2/2018
Population Education Club students have arranged PPT Presentation on Food Wastage at Aacharya Bhise Guruji Prathmic Vidyalaya, Dombivli EAST on 21st February 2018.
First Term Training Programme
Date: 20/9/2016
First Term Training for Extension work was organised on 20th Sept,2016 at 10am in College Auditorium. Prof. Rajshree Kolhatkar, Guru Nanak Khalsa College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Matunga was the Chief Guest for Orientation. She had given guidance to all the students about Survey of Women in Adopted Area.66 students have attended the same.
Second Term Training Programme
Date: 10/1/2017
2nd Term Training Programme of DLLE was organized on 10th January,2017 at 11am in College Auditorium. Prof. Rajshree Koalhatkar, Khalsa College had given guidance to all DLLE Students about preparation of project report and other guidelines regarding Project Submission as per University Guidelines. 66 Students have attended the same programme. Feedback forms were collected from all the students.