Dr. Padmaja Arvind, In-Charge Principal
Principal’s Desk

We at The S.I.A. College of Higher Education firmly believes in our motto, “Knowledge is power”, and we take all possible actions to ensure that the process of knowledge sharing among all stakeholders is continuous and evolving. The institution provides multiple avenues for the teachers to upgrade and update themselves, along with opportunities for the students to grow and develop academic and professional skills. For achieving this, we have invested in the best possible infrastructure, integrating chalk-and-talk methods of teaching with ICT-based methods of education. We believe in preparing our teachers and students to be ever ready to adapt to the changing dynamics of the educational systems.
The pandemic obstructed the traditional method of lecture delivery, but it did not obstruct the spirit and passion of our teachers, who were ready to smoothly switch to online methods of teaching and learning. The institution invested in Microsoft Teams and Bodhi Tree, which are considered as the best platforms for the teachers and students to exchange ideas and promote learning. These initiatives have enriched the process of teaching and learning. Simultaneously, the college has also organized various webinars for the students to upgrade their skills and utilize their free time productively. As they say, change is the only constant, hence, we need to be prepared to face all changes that may come in our way and emerge successful.
As technology keeps upgrading from 2G to 5G to 10G, educational institutions also need to upgrade their methods of teaching and provide opportunities for the stakeholders to think out of the box and explore various possibilities. Industrial revolution 4.0 is not just impacting industries, it calls for a massive turnaround in the way all systems, including educational, behave and operate. In the era where Artificial Intelligence, IOT and Big Data are taking rapid strides towards changing the world, teachers need to think one step ahead to be able to guide and encourage students who are going to be the next generation professionals. In a world where phones and televisions are becoming smart, teachers have to be smarter if they want to keep their students engaged and interested in the teaching-learning process.
All the best…