The institution adheres to the rules and regulation to avail scholarship from the government, nongovernment and trust to facilitate the students for their educational benefits.
The college needs to get registered in the MHADBT for availing for the scholarship. The college office provides information related to fee structure every year to MHADBT for their approval. Once it is approved by the competent authority, office notifies all the students regarding available scholarship in writing through notice. Information in the notice includes name of the scholarship, eligibility, and application requirements. It also provides site link to apply for the same wherein the students need to apply on their own.
- Step-I
Applicants apply online:
The eligible students need to apply online, the link provided by the MHADBT. - Step-II
The office screens the application forms applied by the eligible students and if any errors and requirement in needed is informed. Then completed forms are forwarded to the principal login for approval. And subsequently it is forwarded to The MHADBT for screening the application and the eligible applicants are assessed for further processing - Step-III
Successful final application are chosen and scholarship are awarded on the basis of the fee receipt on the basis of three instalments
The association mobilise the fund through the donors and the same in allocated to the students who need financial support for various streams. Such students shall be eligible for tuition fee waiver partially or fully for the said academic year. The eligible students for the sponsorship shall be proposed by the head of the Institution and sanctioned or approved by the Management committee.
- Step-I
The students apply for the request of financial assistance to the head of the institution. - Step-II
The request letter are scrutinized and after having discussed with the candidate, considering the facts and genuineness the application is forwarded to the management for their approval. - Step-III
Finally the amount to be sanctioned is decided by the committee and the same is communicated to the head of the institution for further processing.
The institution also facilitates to provide necessary details about the students who have applied for the scholarship from the other trust.
- Step-I:
The application received from the other trust are received by the college office. - Step-II:
The received application are verified by the office superintendent and necessary documents required by the trust are duly given to the student for further processing - Step-III:
Finally the trust decides and sanctions the amount specified in the application for the student in the college account or cheque in the name of the College.