“A dream is not that which you see while sleeping, it is something that does not let you sleep”- APJ Abdul Kalam.

A dream for an Incubation center and experiential learning made a humble beginning as SIATechLink in our college. This has launched with a goal to foster curiosity and critical thinking in young minds. In this regards, The SIATechlink develops softwares, test and implements for various purposes such as, the operational part of college administration, teaching and documentation etc.

Sr. No. Name of Faculty Position Held
1 Tejaswini Shivsharan Convenor
1 K.V.Ranganathan President
2 Dr.Padmaja Arvind Principal
3 Sunil Gaonkar Administration
4 Ajay Puro Lab Administrator
5 Sandhya Pandey Assistant Professor
6 Sandhya Thakkar Assistant Professor
7 S Sai Sree Assistant Professor
8 Nandini Kadam Assistant Professor
9 BhavanaDhande Assistant Professor
10 Harsaad Gupta Trainee Developer

Projects Details

Academic Year Project Title Description Project In-Charge Students Developer
2021-22 Online Payment facility through payment gateway To automise fees collection system and maintain fees record in the e sanchalan and facilitate online fees payment through a payment gateway and update bank transaction and generat report. Mrs.S Sai sree & Mr.Sunil Gaonkar Not Applicable
SlA-Granthalaya – Phase II (Updated – 2021-22) The web application manages and stores books information electronically according to students need. The system helps both students and library manager to keep a constant track of all the books available in the library Mrs.Sandhya Thakkar Mr.Sameer Bidi (TYB.Sc.IT)
Academic Year Project Title Description Project In-Charge Students Developer
2020-21 S.I.A. Online Admission – PHASE II Online Prospectus, Sending the UserID and Password (Credentials) and prospectus through email ,Online display of merit list, Online payment of Academic Fees, dashboard creation for admin having features: Displaying the no of admitted students streamwise, Allowing the admin to approve or unapproved the academic fess transactions, Sending Online Receipt through email. Mrs.S Sai sree & Mr.Sunil Gaonkar Not Applicable
Balaji Temple Administration Website To Provide automation so that manual work get reduced. To facilitate online printing of tickets, online booking for pooja and other events. To maintain all transactional records online in the system. Mrs.Rashmi Chindarkar Mr.Chaitanya Kulkarni (TYB.Sc.IT)
Software based MIS(Management Information System) To provide automation so that manual work get reduced. A centralised data collection system was developed  as a part of e-Sanchalan to record various activities of the college.It was developed under ASP.NET where in Data Management System is SQL server. Mr.Sunil Gaonkar Not Applicable
Academic Year Project Title Description Project In-Charge Students Developer
2019-20 OPD – Phase I The purpose of this project is to computerize the Front Office Management of OPD to develop software that is user-friendly, simple, fast, and cost-effective. It deals with the collection of patient’s information, diagnosis details, etc. Traditionally, it was done manually. The main function of the system is to register and store patient details and doctor details and retrieve these details as and when required Mrs.Sandhya Thakkar Mr.Darshan Naik ,Mr.Sameer Bidi (SYB.Sc.IT)
SIA-Granthalaya – PhaseI & II The web application manages and stores books information electronically according to students need. The system helps both students and library manager to keep a constant track of all the books available in the library Mrs.Sandhya Thakkar Mr.Utkarsh Kamble, Mr.Abhishek Mangoankar (TYB.Sc.IT), Mr.Darshan Naik, Mr.Bhavesh Narang, Mr.Samar Singh, Mr.Sameer Bidi (SYB.Sc.IT)
S.I.A. Online Admission Phase I This project helps the admission seeking students to Register themselves and then fill and submit the admission form from anywhere and at any time. It also reduces the work of data entry for administration staff Mrs.Sandhya Pandey & Mrs.Nandini Kadam Miss.Geeta Adhvi, Miss.Vaishali Dubba, Miss.Sonalika Singh, Miss.Pooja Yadav (TYB.Sc.IT) Mr.Omakar Shinde, Mr.Chintan Rathod (SYB.Sc.IT)
E-Sanchalan Pre Exam Automation To computerize all the activities to be performed before and after conduction of examination. Mrs.S Sai sree & Mr.Sunil Gaonkar Not Applicable
Academic Year Project Title Description Project In-Charge Students Developer
2018-19 The S.I.A. College Of Higher Education The website provides information to all its stakeholders like staff, students, visitors etc it provides notifications about exam, upcoming events, admission process etc Mrs. Sandhya Pandey & Mrs. Nandini Kadam Miss. Dimple Wghela, Mr. Sangram Singh(TYB.Sc.IT)
The S.I.A. College Of Health Sciences College of Physiotherapy The website provides information to all its stakeholders like staff, students, visitors etc it provides notifications about exam, upcoming events, admission process etc Mrs. Sandhya Pandey & Mrs. Nandini Kadam Miss. Dimple Wghela, Mr. Sangram Singh(TYB.Sc.IT)