The Student’s Grievance Redressal Cell desires to promote and maintain a conducive and impartial educational environment.


  • To support, those students who have been deprived of the services offered by the College
  • To make the stakeholders accountable and considerate in dealing with the students.
  • To provide effective solution to the students’ grievances with an unbiased and fair approach.

Students’ Grievance Procedure

The grievance procedure is to sort out the issues between all the stakeholders and college. It is a approach by which a student who feels that he/she has been treated unfairly with respect to academic/administrative affairs are redressed. It involves a process of investigation in which ‘Student’s Grievance Cell’ enquires and analyses the grievances in a strictly confidential manner. Matters are disclosed to official in-charge for resolving . The fair procedure is adopted to solve the issues.

The students have to write an application and drop it in the suggestion box placed outside the Principal’s office. The in-charge of Grievance Redressal Cell intimates the matter to the committee for necessary action. Final report based on grievance received and resolved will be submitted to the Principal and further course of action will be decided and the same shall be intimated to the students.

Committee List

Sr. No. Name Position
1 Ranjana Mhalgi Convenor
2 Sreekala Nair Member
3 Kavita Nadar Member
4 Harshada Thakkar Member

Student Grievance Form

Please register your grievance, it will help us to improve the quality of the college.

The information provided by you will be kept confidential.

* is indicated for all mandatory fields.

    Name of Student *

    Class *

    Email *

    Contact No.

    Name of the Teacher/s / Officer/s / Staff / Section/s / Department/s against whom the Complaint is to be Lodged *

    Grievance (give details, use additional sheet, if necessary) *

    OR Attach Document