Today, women in the society play a vital role in the social, economic and political development of the society. Women in different forms excel and try to achieve success with their efforts and hard work. So it becomes essential to empower women to achieve success in life. To make women empowered, the WDC provides platform to the girl students.

Women Development Cell (WDC) of the college works with the objective of creating awareness among students and staff about social and legal rights and thus empower them to stand against any discrimination. It conduct activities on gender equality, women rights and women empowerment.

2024 – 25

Session on Constitutional Awareness

Date: 4th January, 2025
Time: 10.30 am
Venue: Classroom

Women Development Cell along with Rotary Club of Dombivli organized a session on Constitutional Awareness on 4th January 2025 at 10.30 am.
Resource person for the session was Rotarian Kirty Vadalkar

The purpose of organizing session was to inculcate constitutional values among students. The resource person talks about the history of Constitution of India, basic details about the Constitution like the Constitution of India is the foundational law laying down the basic political structure of India: a Parliamentary Democracy and a Republic with a Federal Structure. It defines the 3 organs of the Republic of India: The Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary and clearly defines their power as well as demarcates their responsibilities.
A total of 103 students attended the session out of which 33 were boys and 70 were girl students.

Session on Mental Health and Stress Management

Date: 4th January, 2025
Time: 11.30 am
Venue: Classroom
Women Development Cell along with Rotary Club of Dombivli organized a session on Mental Health and Stress Management on 4th January 2025 at 11.30 am.
Resource person for the session was Rotarian Arti Dhoot

The purpose of the session was to create awareness among students regarding the concept of mental health and various issues related to mental health. The session help students to understand the seriousness of mental health which is usually consider as taboo in our society. Students found this Mental health and stress management session very helpful and loved how resource person creatively convey the importance of mental health.

A total of 103 students attended the session out of which 33 were boys and 70 were girl students.

Resume Writing Workshop

Name of the Event:  Report: Resume Writing Workshop
Organizing Agency: Women Development Cell and Placement Cell
Date: 18th July, 2024
Time: 11.00 am to 1.00 pm
Venue: Auditorium
Women Development Cell and Placement Cell of the College organised a workshop on Resume Writing for all Third-year girl students on 18th July, 2024 from 11.00 am to 1.00 pm
The purpose of organizing workshop on resume writing was to make girls confident about how to write good resume.  workshop was way for the girls to learn about the employment world and gain knowledge on how to make a strong job-search weapon.
Resource person of the session was Ms Preeti Takle.
Resources person guided the girls how to apply new ideas with greater confidence in preparing a resume that engages reviewers and leads to more interviews. The session was very interactive and helpful to the students.
A total of 100 girls attended the session.

Session on Menstrual Health and Hygiene

Organizing Agency: Women Development Cell and Placement Cell
Date: 23rd July, 2024
Time: 10.30 am
Venue: Auditorium
Women Development Cell of the College organised a session on Menstrual Health and Hygiene along with Brand touch private Ltd. On 23rd July, 2024 at 10.30 am in college auditorium.
The purpose of organizing the session was to create awareness among girls about menstrual health and hygiene, reduce the risk of infections and other health complications, and empower girls to take control of their reproductive health.
The resource person of the session was Miss Payal Gogoi.
All the second-year female students were introduced to the benefits of Health and Hygiene and the need for sustainable menstrual hygiene by the resource person. Students were shown videos on their health and hygiene. The session was very interactive and helpful to the students.
A total of 120 girls attended the session.

Video Screening on World Mental Health Day

Name of the Event:  Report: Video Screening on World Mental Health Day
Organizing Agency: Women Development Cell and Placement Cell
Date: 11th October, 2024
Time: 10.30 am
Venue: Classroom
Women Development Cell of the College organised Video Screening on World Mental Health Day On 11th October, 2024 at in college.
The purpose of organizing video screening on World Mental Health was to bring awareness among students on cultivating certain habits to maintain healthy mental health.

A total of 402 (Male 203, Female199) students were present and benefitted from the video.


Video Screening on Constitutional Day

Name of the Committee: Women Development Cell
Name of the Event:  Report:  Video Screening on Constitutional  Day
Organizing Agency: Women Development Cell and Placement Cell
Date: 26th November, 2024
Time: 8.00 am
Venue: Classroom
The Women Development Cell of The S.I.A. College of higher education had organized “Video screening on Constitution Day” on 26th November 2024 from 08.00 a.m. onwards for S.Y. and T.Y. students of all streams.
The purpose of organizing video screening was to create awareness regarding Indian Constitution and its importance for students.

A total of 305 students (130 boys and 175 girls) attended the event to make it success.

Report: Session on “Spiritual Life Matters”

Name of the Event: Report: Session on “Spiritual Life Matters”

Organizing Agency: Women Development Cell and Placement Cell
Date: 11th December, 2024
Time: 9.40 am
Venue: Classroom
Women Development Cell of the College organised a session on “Spiritual Life Matters” along with Bharam Kumaris. On 11th December, 2024 at 9.40 am in college auditorium for all first-year cultural students.
The purpose of organizing session was to inculcate values thorough spiritual knowledge among youth, to uplift consciousness of students for better society and to educate youth to be free from bad habits, addictions, and blind faith.

All the first-year cultural students were introduced to the benefits spirituality in the dynamic society. students were also made aware about the importance of holistic development of youth so as to increase the overall productivity. The session was very interactive and helpful to the students.
A total of 88 students attended the session out of which 29 were boys and 59 were girl students,

Report: Session on “Spiritual Life Matters”

Organizing Agency: Women Development Cell and Placement Cell
Date: 11th January, 2025
Time: 10.00 am
Venue: Auditorium
Women Development Cell of the College along with Bharam Kumaris organised a programme on “Spiritual Life Matters” On 11th January, 2025 at 10.00 am in college auditorium for all first-year cultural students.
The purpose of organizing Programme was to inculcate values thorough spiritual knowledge among youth, to uplift consciousness of students for better society and to educate youth to be free from bad habits, addictions, and blind faith.
All the first-year cultural students showed importance of spirituality in dynamic society through posters, songs, dance, speech, skit, and mono acting. students were also made aware about the importance of holistic development of youth to increase the overall productivity.  The programme was very interactive and helpful to the students.
A total of 89 students attended the session out of which 24 were boys and 65 were girl students.

2023 – 24

Workshop on Women Empowerment and Girl Child Development

Name of the Event: Workshop on Women Empowerment and Girl Child Development

Organizing Agency: Women Development Cell in association with Vacha Charitable Trust

Date: 16th December, 2023

Time: 10.00 am

Venue: Auditorium

Report: Women Development Cell in association with Rotary Club of Dombivli Downtown is organised a workshop on Women Empowerment and Girl Child Development on 16th December, 2023 from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm in college auditorium.

Purpose of workshop was to focus on overall development of students including physical health, mental health, personality development and to impart knowledge about various laws and provisions related to women.

Dr. Mahesh Patil first session resource person talked about the health and nutritional requirements of youth.

Mrs. Geeta Khana director of Flying Career Aviation Academy, and resource person of the second session, guided students about self-confidence, personality development and communication skills.

Miss. Sayali resource person of the third session discussed the various laws and provisions related to sexual harassment of women.

The outcome of the workshop was students gained knowledge about personal grooming, healthy eating habits, and the importance of gender equality.

103 students participated in the workshop out of which 55 were female students and 48 were male students. 9 females from nearby areas of the college also attended the workshop.

Session on Menstrual Health and Hygiene for First Year Girls

Year: 2023-24

Name of the Committee: Women Development Cell

Name of the Event:  Session on Menstrual Health and Hygiene for First Year Girls

Organizing Agency: Women Development Cell along with Brandtouch Private Limited

Date: 07th August, 2023

Time: 11.00 am

Venue: College Auditorium

Purpose of the Activity:  The purpose of organizing session was to create awareness among girls about menstrual health and hygiene, reduce the risk of infections and other health complications, and empower girls to take control of their reproductive health. 

Outcome: All First year girls students were introduced to the benefits of menstrual Health and Hygiene and the need for sustainable menstrual hygiene by the resource person. Students were shown videos on their personal health and hygiene. The session was very interactive and helpful to the students. 

 Total Beneficiaries:  290 girls

Report on Session on Career Leadership

Name of the Committee: Women Development Cell

Name of the Event: Session on Career Leadership

Organizing Agency:Women Development Cell in association with Anubhuti NGO

Date: 24th July, 2023

Time: 11.00 am

Venue: Auditorium

Purpose of the Activity:  The purpose of organizing sessions on career leadership was to provide students with valuable skills and to find out what are the new opportunities available in their career. Career Leadership session will help students with the necessary tools to navigate various professional challenges and enhance chances of success in the chosen field.  

Outcome: help students how to develop communication skills, mastering the art of negotiation, influence, and conflict management. Madam guided them how to improve confidence as a leader in their career path and find new ways of influencing the teams you lead.

No of Students: 99 Girls and 60 Boys

Report on IPC provisions related to women

Name of the Committee: Women Development Cell

Name of the Event: IPC Provisions related to women

Organizing Agency: Women Development Cell in association with Dombivli Mahila Mahasangh

Date: 14th July, 2023

Time: 10.00 am

Venue: 109

Purpose of the Activity:  of organizing session was to create awareness among students about various IPC provisions related to women. The Indian Penal Code provides provisions for women as a victim of many crimes such as murder, robbery, theft, etc. 

Outcome: Madam discussed about various case laws related to the crimes against women which comes under the Indian Penal Code, 1860. Such as rape, Kidnapping, abducting, or inducing woman to compel her marriage, Outraging the Modesty of Women, Sexual Harassment etc. and punishment for these crimes under Indian Penal Code.

No of Students: 91 Girls and 77 Boys

Report of the Session on Menstrual Health and Hygiene

Name of the Committee: Women Development Cell

Name of the Event:  Session on Menstrual Health and Hygiene

Organizing Agency: Women Development Cell along with Brandtouch Private Limited

Date: 07th July, 2023

Time: 10.00 am

Venue: College Auditorium

Purpose of the Activity:  create awareness among girls about menstrual health and hygiene, reduce the risk of infections and other health complications, and empower girls to take control of their reproductive health.

Outcome: All the second- and third-year girls students were introduced to the benefits of Health and Hygiene and the need for sustainable menstrual hygiene by the resource person. Students were shown videos on their personal health and hygiene. The session was very interactive and helpful to the students.

Total Beneficiaries:  266 girls

Women Development Cell in association with Vacha Trust

Name of the Event: Gender and Health Fair and Training

Organizing Agency: Women Development Cell in association with Vacha Trust

Date: 23rd and 24th August

Time: 10.00 am to 5.00 pm

Venue: Auditorium

Purpose: Purpose of Gender fair and training was to create awareness among youth about gender differentiation and patriarchy. A Gender fair give a broad understanding of gender to the students.

Outcome: The outcome of the fair was Understanding various aspects of Gender discrimination and gender bias.

The fair was conducted with various games such as Nail hammer, Body image, nine pins, my dreams, rings etc. Information relating to issues like menstruation, gender bias was also shared by students.

No of Students: 36 students participated in the training and 201 students attended the gender fair.

Self Defence Training

Name of the Committee: Women Development Cell
Name of the Event:  Self Defence Training
Organizing Agency: Women Development Cell
Date: 1st September to 9th September, 2023
Time: 7.20 am to 9.00 am
Venue: Auditorium

Purpose: Purpose of arranging Self-defence training is to helps girls to be more aware of their surroundings and be prepared for the unexpected at any time. Through the self-defence training, the girls are taught to become psychologically, intellectually, and physically strong enough to protect themselves in times of distress.

Outcome: The outcome of the Self-defence training techniques is that it improves self confidence amongst girls.

No of Students:

Class No. of Participants
SYBsc.IT 12
TYBsc.IT 14
Total  220 

Session on “How to stop Gender-based violence and discrimination”

Year: 2023-24
Name of the Committee: Women Development Cell
Name of the Event: Report: Session on “How to stop Gender-based violence and discrimination”

Organizing Agency: Women Development Cell
Date: 9th December, 2023
Time: 10.00 am
Venue: Auditorium
The purpose of organizing the session was to help students understand the efforts they can put to stop gender-based violence and discrimination and establish a gender-equal society.

The resource person of the session was Mr. Onil Kulkarni, Founder of Swadhishthan Foundation.

Sir discussed the various forms of gender-based violence like physical violence, verbal violence, sexual violence, socio-economic violence, and so on. Gender-based violence is a human rights violation. Freedom from violence is a fundamental human right.
A total of 104 students attended the session of which 67 were girls and 37 were boys students.

Celebration of Human Rights Day

Name of the Committee: Women Development Cell

Name of the Event:  Celebration of Human Rights Day 

Organizing Agency: Women Development Cell

Date: 11th December, 2023

Time: 8.00 am

Venue: Classrooms

Video Screening on “Human Rights” was organized by Women Development Cell on 11th December, 2023 for all the streams in their respective classrooms.


The purpose of the video screening was to create awareness among students regarding the concept of human rights and various laws pertaining to it.

Following students attended the video screening:

Sr. No. Class Male Female Total
1 FYBCOM 14 18 32
2 SYBCOM 15 52 67
3 TYBCOM 14 33 47
4 FYBMS 28 36 64
5 SYBMS 25 28 53
6 SYB.SCIT 14 12 26


A total of 289 students attended the video screening out of which 110 were male participants & 179 were female participants.

Film Screening on “Savitribai phule Birth Anniversary”

Name of the Committee: Women Development Cell
Name of the Event: Film Screening on “Savitribai phule Birth Anniversary”
Organizing Agency: Women Development Cell in association with Vacha Charitable Trust
Date: 3rd January, 2024
Time: 11.00 am
Venue: Auditorium
The purpose of organizing the session was to create awareness about Savitribai Phule who played a crucial role in advocating for women’s rights and education in India.
It helped to understand  women’s development focusing on the principles of women leader.
The main highlights was emphasis on education, social reform, and gender equality. The video screening explained  Phule’s progressive ideas, her  efforts to empower women through education, and her  support  for social equality, which inspired students a lot . It invoked girls to take stand in today’s world and do something for the betterment and development of the society .

A total of 144 students attended the session of which 87 were girls and 57 were boys students.

Video Screening on Constitutional Awareness

Name of the Event:  Report: Video Screening on Constitutional Awareness
Organizing Agency: Women Development Cell i
Date: 3rd February, 2024
Time: 10.00 am
Venue: Classroom

Video Screening on “Constitutional Awareness” was organized by Women Development Cell on 3rd February 2024 for all the streams in their respective classrooms.

The purpose of video screening was to inculcate constitutional values among students. Students were shown video on the history of Constitution of India. Video contains certain basic details about the Constitution like the Constitution of India is the foundational law laying down the basic political structure of India: a Parliamentary Democracy and a Republic with a Federal Structure. It defines the 3 organs of the Republic of India: The Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary and clearly defines their power as well as demarcates their responsibilities.

A total of 499 students participated in the video screening out of which were 186 male participants & were 313 female participants.

2022 – 23

Report of Celebration of International Women's Day on 8th March, 2023

On International Women’s Day Women Development Cell of The S.I.A. College of Higher Education is organized a session on “Financial Independence for Every Women”.

Following topics were covered in the session:

  • Investment options for Women
  • Tax planning
  • Impact of budget 2023

Purpose of this session was to create awareness among students about various investment options available for them, benefit of starting early investment and financial planning for their future.

Mr Chetan Gaikwad who is a corporate trainer was the resource person for session.

Mr. Chetan guided them how early investment in mutual fund and SIP is going to benefit them in the long run. It was an interactive session.

Total of 113 Students were present for the session out of which 81 were girls and 32 were boys.

Report of Teachers Workshop on "Mental Health and POSH Act 2013 from the perspective of Gender Understanding"

Report of Teachers Workshop on “Mental Health and POSH Act 2013 from the perspective of Gender Understanding” organized by Women Development Cell on 10th January,2023.

Women Development Cell in Association with Anubhuti Trust organized workshop for teachers on the “Mental Health and POSH Act 2013 from the perspective of Gender Understanding” on 10th January, 2023 from 11am to 1 pm.

Resource person of the workshop was Deepa Pawar who has been working with deprived youth and she is the founder president of Anubhuti, a feminist organization working to build socio-political leadership of youth towards a more just, equitable and democratic society.

The purpose of the workshop was to make aware the staff about POSH Act 2013 and the working Internal complaints Committee.

POSH Act provide protection against sexual harassment of women at workplace and for the prevention and redressal of complaints of sexual harassment and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

Topics covered in the workshop were very useful to teachers to contribute to a mentally and physically safe working environment for themselves as well as their students.

It was a very interactive and meaningful workshop. The workshop ended with a vote of thanks.

A total of 30 teachers attended the workshop.

Report of Celebration of Birth anniversary of "Savitribai Phule" by Women Development Cell

Women Development Cell of the college celebrated birth anniversary of “Savitribai Phule” on 3rd January, 2023 by showing a small documentary to the students, on the life and contribution done by Savitribai Phule in the field of education.

The purpose of showing documentary to the students was to make the youth aware about the efforts take by Savitribai Phule improving women’s rights and education.

Total of 309 Students were present out of which 191 were girls and 118 were boys.

Report of Celebration of Human Rights Day by Women Development Cell on 10th December, 2022

A session on “Human Rights” was organized by Women Development Cell on 10th December, 2022 from 9 am to 10 am for the students. The speaker for the event was Advocate Himani Karandikar.

The purpose of the session was to create awareness among students regarding the concept of human rights and various laws pertaining to it.

Mrs. Himani Karandikar, the speaker of the session, is an advocate by profession. She has been practicing in many courts in Mumbai including Bombay High Court. She is a panel advocate in TJSB Bank and handles civil matters related to property, banking, consumer, human rights, domestic, company matters etc. and criminal matters like cheque bounce and cyber crimes.

The session started with the introduction of speaker Mrs. Babita Nagdev.

Advocate Himani first explained the concept of human rights in detail. She stated that they are essential and fundamental rights irrespective of religion, caste and community. Some of the rights are Right to Equality, Right to Life, Right to Justice, Right to get heard and Right to live in safe space. She also talked about NHRC, a government body which works for people whose rights are violated. The speaker gave many interesting examples of Public Litigation cases. It was a very interactive session.

A total of 117students participated in the session out of which were 50 male participants & 67 were female participants.

Report of Constitution Day Celebration by Women Development Cell

Women Development Cell of the college celebrates Constitution Day on 26th November, 2022 by showing a video on “Indian Constitution” to the students.

The purpose of the celebrating Constitution Day was to inculcate constitutional values among students.

November 26 is observed as Constitution Day or ‘Samvidhan Diwas’ every year, which commemorates the adoption of the Constitution of India. On November 26, 1949, the Constitution was adopted and it came into effect on January 26, 1950.

Students were shown video on the history of Constitution of India. Video contains certain basic details about the Constitution like the Constitution of India is the foundational law laying down the basic political structure of India: a Parliamentary Democracy and a Republic with a Federal Structure. It defines the 3 organs of the Republic of India: the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary and clearly defines their power as well as demarcates their responsibilities

A total of 377 students participated in the session out of which were144 male participants & were 233 female participants.

Report of “Man Mela”- Mental Health Fair Conducted by WDC on 24th august, 2022

Women Development Cell of the college organizes “Mann Mela” – Mental Health Fair for students in association with Anubhuti Trust.

Anubhuti is internationally recognized for its work on Youth Mental Health.

The purpose of the fair was to create awareness among students regarding the concept of mental health and various issues pertaining to it.

“Man Mela” fair consist of games, quizzes, songs and other attractive stalls through which the sensitive topic of mental health is introduced to the students.

The fair arranged through games, quizzes and stalls help students to understand the seriousness of mental health which is usually consider as taboo in our society.

This unique module which uses youth-friendly mediums such as games to help them open up about the topic in a simple manner, and also provide them with coping strategies. In case of any cases that are identified during the program, counselling is also offered.
Students found this Mental health fair very helpful and loved how creatively they convey the importance of mental health.

A total of 118 students participated in the session out of which 54 were male participants & 64 were female participants.: 

Eassy writting on Gender equality and women empowerment held on 27th August, 2022.

Women Development Cell organized an essay writing and Poster/ Sketch making competition on “Gender equality and women empowerment” on 27th August, 2022. 

Students were given the following topic of Essay: 

  1. My idea about gender equality 
  2. Role of education in women empowerment 
  3. Movies and Gender Stereotypes 
  4. Emotional difference between men and women 

Topics for poster or sketch making: 

  1. Nari Shakti 
  2. Gender Equality 
  3. Violence Against Women 
  4. Save Girl Child 

Students were supposed to write Essay in Hindi, Marathi or English language. 

The purpose of this essay writing and poster making competition was to provide an opportunity to youth to express their views on gender equity and women empowerment through their essays and creative posters. 

A total of 61 students participated in the essay writing competition out of which 3 were male and 58 were female students. 

Rutuja Ramesh, Lvanya Shettigar and Chaitanya Swami were the winners of Essay writing competition. 

A total of Poster/ Sketch was received from students, of Which were female participants and was male participant.  

Nikita Verma, Jyotsna Patil and Anjali Acharya were the winners of Poster/ Sketch making competition. 


Session on Women's Rights Conducted by WDC on 22nd August, 2022

Date: 22nd August 2022

The WDC of The S.I.A. College of Higher Education organized a session on “Rights of Women” by the Resource Person Advocate Kranti Rothe on 22nd August 2022 at 11 AM at the College auditorium. The Resource Person was introduced by Mrs. S. Sai Sree.
The chief guest started the session by delivering the laws regarding to protection of women such as section 354, section 498. She explained various terms as follows:

  1. Women domestic violence
  2. Sexual harassment
  3. Sexual harassment at work place
  4. Dowry prohibition act

She addresses dowry prohibition act by a beautiful short poem which has explained all the terms and problems faced by a women due to dowry. The session was very energetic and motivating. Everyone has enjoyed and learned many important terms and hopefully we all will be able to apply this terms in our day to day life. The session was concluded by thanking to our chief guest.
The session was attended by 98 male and 58 female students. The total attendees are 156 students

Session on Mental Health

Date: 10th August, 2022

A talk on the “Little Canvas of Self: Let’s Be colourful and Mindful” organized by Women Development Cell on 10th August, 2022.
Resource person for the session was Psychologist Mrs. Radhika Bhosale who is working as a counsellor for SIA college of Higher education.
The purpose of the session was to create awareness among students regarding the concept of mental health and various issues pertaining to it.
The session began with a formal introduction of the resource person, Mrs. Radhika Bhosale.
The attention of all students was soon grabbed by Radhika Bhosale with relatable and out-of-the-box activities. Madam talked about various mental health issues faced by teenagers at the present time. The interactive discussion on importance and prioritisation of mental health continued further elaborately. Mrs. Radhika made excellent use of concept charts and props to demonstrate various aspects of self-worth, confidence and mental focus
It was a very interactive session. The session ended with a vote of thanks. The session turned out to be fruitful and the purpose behind conducting the session was served well.
A total of 94 students participated in the session out of which 28 were male participants & 66 were female participants.

Session on “Protection of Women under Domestic Violence Act,2005”

Date: 23/07/2022

A session on “Protection of Women Under Domestic Violence Act 2005” was organized by Women Development Cell in collaboration with Dombivli Mahila Mahasangh on 23rd July, 2022 at10 am students. The speaker for the event was Advocate Trupti Patil.
The purpose of the session was to create awareness among students regarding the concept of domestic violence and various laws pertaining to it.
Ms. Trupti, the speaker of the session, is an advocate by profession. She is also a POSH consultant and has worked for many poor jail inmates. She is a legal advisor for many police stations in and around Dombivli region.
The session started with the introduction of speaker by Mrs. Babita Nagdev.
Ms. Trupti first explained the concept of domestic violence in detail. She stated that domestic violence includes not only physical harassment but also mental torture, sexual and emotional harassment. Madam talked about various laws of Domestic Violence Prevention Act 2005. She guided the students to take up their cases through Protection officers, who sit in Municipal corporation offices, instead of going to police stations. She explained about Section 498-A IPC and explained the importance of Legal aid committees and Vidhi seva samiti.
It was a very interactive session. Students asked questions and doubts were cleared by Advocate Trupti about Domestic Violence Prevention Act 2005.
A total of 104 students participated in the session out of which 39 were male participants & 65 were female participants.


2021 – 22

WDC Essay and Poster Making Report

WDC Essay and Poster Making Report – View

Observed death anniversary of Savitribai Phule

Observed death anniversary of Savitribai Phule – View


International Women’s Day Celebration

International women’s Day Celebration on 8th March, 2022 – View

Gender Equality Session Report

Gender Equality Session Report held on 7th and 8th March, 2022 – View

Online Quiz

Online Quiz – View

Essay Writing Competition

Essay Writing Competition – View

session on "Indian Constitution and Gender Sensitization"

Indian Constitution and Gender Sensitization – View


Session on “Progress of Indian Women and Diamond Jubilee of Independence: A Balance Sheet”

Date : 3rd January, 2022

On the birth anniversary of “Savitribai Phule” session on “Progress of Indian Women and Diamond Jubilee of Independence: A Balance Sheet” was organized by Women Development Cell on 3rd January, 2022 at 11 am to 12.30 pm for the first year students across all the streams.
The speaker for the event was Dr. (Mrs.) Vaidehi Daptardar, Principal Adarsh College, Arts and Commerce, Badlapure.
The session was conducted online through Microsoft Teams.
The purpose of the session was to put some light on the ever-changing role of Indian women and how 75 years of Independence played a very important role in the progress of Indian Women.
The session started with the introduction and welcoming of resource person by Mrs. Babita Nagdev, convenor Women Development Cell.
Dr. (Mrs.) Vaidehi Daptardar talked about the various roles of Indian women. Women have been regarded as a symbol of spirituality in our scriptures. Still, they have been treated badly and unequally to men. Social evils such as dowry, sati system, child marriage and female infanticide were prevalent in the early ages. The spread of education and self- consciousness among the women has lead to their progress over the period. Women today are empowered and also gaining advancement and success in each and every field.
Women today are eager to take up professions and work. Thus, they enjoy equal respect and dignity in the family. Women in free India also enjoy equal pay for equal work.
There has been steady transformation in the status of the women in comparison to early periods. However, ending crimes against women is still challenge.
The session was very interactive and illuminating.

A total of 104 students participated in the session.


Women Development Cell Orientation of First Year Students

Date : 12th October, 2021

Orientation of Women Development Cell was organized for all first-year students in the following slot:

Sr. No. Class Date Time
1 FYBAF & FYBMM 11/10/2021 12.00 pm to 12.30 pm
2 FYBC-IT 11/10/2021 12.30 pm to 1.00 pm
3 FYBCOM 12/10/2021 9.00 am to 9.30 am
4 FYBMS 12/10/2021 9.30 am to 10.00 am
5 FYB&I 12/10/2021 10.00 am to 10.30 am

The purpose of the orientation was to inform the students regarding the college Women Development Cell and their functioning.
Orientation was done in 2 days on 11th and 12th October. Orientation was done through Microsoft Teams.
Students were shown the previous years Women Development Cell activities with the help of power point presentation. Students were encouraged to take active part in upcoming Women Development Cell activities and sessions.
Orientation was a very interactive and useful to the students.

session on "Mental health & mental justice"

Date : 12th October 2021

A session on “Mental health & mental justice” was organized by Women Development Cell on 12th October 2021, 11 am to 1.30 pm for the first year students across all the streams.The speaker for the event was Ms.Deepa Pawar from Anubhuti Organization. The session was conducted online through Microsoft Teams.
The purpose of the session was to create awareness among students regarding the various mental health issues, management of emotions and various laws and policies associated with the topic.
Ms. Deepa, the speaker of the session, is the director of Anubhuti Trust. She is also a counselor and social activists who works closely with students and deals with their issues.
The session started with the orientation about WDC by Ms. Babita Nagdev.
Ms. Deepa began the session with an activity of identifying emotions through facial expressions. She emphasized that every emotion felt by a human being is real and natural and there is nothing to be ashamed about. But channelization of these emotions is the issue faced by many youth today. Later she explained the concept of community mentality and the various stereotypes developed in the society towards certain elements. She concluded the session by explaining about various laws and policies initiated by government to create awareness about mental health issues prevailing in our society and different measures to tackle them.
It was a very interactive session.
A total of 210 students participated in the session.


session on "Domestic Violence"

Date : 26th November 2021

A session on “Domestic Violence” was organized by Women Development Cell in collaboration with Dombivli Mahila Mahasangh on 26th November 2021, 10 am to 11 am for the first-year students across all the streams. The speaker for the event was Ms.Trupti Patil. The session was conducted online through Microsoft Teams.
The purpose of the session was to create awareness among students regarding the concept of domestic violence and various laws pertaining to it.

Ms. Trupti, the speaker of the session, is an advocate by profession. She is also a POSH consultant and has worked for many jail advocates. She is a legal advisor for many police stations in and around Dombivli region.
The session started with the introduction of speaker by Mrs. Babita Nagdev.
Ms. Trupti first explained the concept of domestic violence in detail. She stated that domestic violence includes not only physical harassment but also mental torture, sexual and emotional harassment. She also talked about Domestic Violence Prevention Act 2005. She guided the students to take up their cases through Protection officers, who sit in Municipal corporation offices, instead of going to police stations. She explained about Section 498-A IPC and explained the importance of Legal aid committees and Vidhi seva samiti.

It was a very interactive session.
A total of 210 students participated in the session out of which 62 were male participants & 148 were female participants.

session on "Human Rights"

Date : 11th December, 2021

A session on “Human Rights” was organized by Women Development Cell on 11th December, 2021, 10 am to 11 am for the first year students across all the streams. The speaker for the event was Ms.Himani Karandikar. The session was conducted online through Microsoft Teams.
The purpose of the session was to create awareness among students regarding the concept of human rights and various laws pertaining to it.
Ms. Himani, the speaker of the session, is an advocate by profession. She has been practicing in many courts in Mumbai including Bombay High Court. She is a panel advocate in TJSB Bank and handles civil matters related to property, banking, consumer, human rights, domestic, company matters etc. and criminal matters like cheque bounce and cyber crimes.
The session started with the introduction of speaker Ms. Babita Nagdev.
Ms. Himani first explained the concept of human rights in detail. She stated that they are essential and fundamental rights irrespective of religion, caste and community. Some of the rights are Right to Equality, Right to Life, Right to Justice, Right to get heard and Right to live in safe space. She also talked about NHRC, a government body which works for people whose rights are violated. The speaker gave many interesting examples of Public Litigation cases. It was a very interactive session.
A total of 156 students participated in the session out of which 59 were male participants & 97 were female participants.

2020 – 21

Session on “Protection of Women under Domestic Violence Act,2005”

Date: 30/07/2020

The Women Development Cell of our College arranged a session on “Protection of Women under Domestic Violence Act, 2005” in association with Dombivli Mahila Mahasangh on 30th July, 2020. The session was conducted through Microsoft Teams. The speaker Adv. Trupti Patil gave the details on the Act and gave a live examples and case laws which she has handled. CA Jayshree Karwe was also a speaker for the session and answered few queries of the participants. The session was successful and enlightening for all the participants and many of the participants asked questions related the Act. There were total 118 student participants including 96 girls and 22 boys & seven teaching staff members attended the session.

National Webinar on Dealing with Mental Health during covid-19

Date: 17/08/2020

The Women Development Cell of The S.I.A.College of Higher education, Dombivili, in association with Anubhuti NGO had organized National webinar on “Dealing with Mental Health during covid-19” on 17th August 2020 at 5.00 P.M. The resource person for the Webinar were Ms. Deepa Pawar and Ms. Amrita De. The resource person, Ms.Deepa Pawar, talked about the consequences of the pandemic faced in general. We have to provide emotional and mental support to the people who are in panic and shouldn’t pass our stress to others. The vulnerability of people to Covid 19 differs in each person , region , age group and immunity. We also have to take break from social media which aggravates the rumours and spreads panic. Mental health affects everyone and thus it is important to talk through ones issues and seek help where ever.

Orientation of Women Development Cell

Date: 21/09/2020

Students were oriented about Women Development Cell and its activities through power point presentation. The dates and student’s attendance is as follows:

Sr. No. Date Class No. Of students
1 21-09-2020 FYBCOM (B&I) 30
2 22-09-2020 FYBCOM 85
3 26-09-2020 FYBCOM(A&F) 33
4 27-09-2020 FYBMM 15
5 30-09-2020 FYBMS 46
6 03-10-2020 FYBSc. (IT) 49

Session on Mental Health

Date: 15/01/2021

Session on mental Health was organised for first year students in association with Anubhuti Trust on 15th January, 2021. Mrs. Deepa Pawar was the resource person of the session. She explained the importance of mental health through power point presentation and shared her counselling experiences with the students. She stressed on treating mental health as equally important of physical health. Total 120 students and 3 faculty members attended the session.

Posh Act Training

Date: 15/01/2021

Women Development Cell has organised POSH Act training for FYBCOM and FYBMM Students in association with Anubhuti Trust on 6th February, 2021. During the session, students were made known about different types of harassment through real life case studies. History behind the enactment of POSH Act was told to the students and they were informed about the functioning of College Internal Complaints Committee and remedies available to students in case of any kind of sexual harassment.

Cyber Sakhi Programme

Date: 09/03/2021

Women Development Cell has organised a session called “Cyber Sakhi” initiated by Responsible Netism NGO on 9th March, 2021. The session has given insight about cyber crimes and how girls can be safe in cyber space. Total of 153 Girls attended the session

Posh Act Training

Date: 17/03/2021

Women Development Cell in association with Anubhuthi NGO had organised POSH Act training on March 17, 2021. This session was arranged for First Year students especially Management Studies. 94 students attended the session and got benefitted by attending this session. 49 female and 45 male students attended the session. This session was an opener for everyone who attended it gave an insight how women were suffering from different types sexual harassment directly or indirectly without their knowledge. Students actively participated in the session by responding and giving their views and opinion.

2019 – 20

Confidence Building Session

Date: 17/08/2019

ACTIVITY INCHARGE :- Ms. Babita Nagdev, Ms. Salochna Nagdev

Women Development Cell has organized session on “Confidence Building” on 17th August, 2019. Resource person of the session was our principal Dr. Padmaja Arvind. Madam has tried to boost the confidence of girls through different motivational stories and by sharing her personal experiences. 120 students attended the session.

Self Defense Training

Date: 20/08/2019

ACTIVITY INCHARGE :- Ms. Babita Nagdev, Ms. Salochna Nagdev, Mrs. Sreekala Nair, Mrs. Sunita Sidhani
Women Development Cell has organized Self Defence Training for second year and third year girl students from 29th July, 2019 to 27th August, 2019. Each girl student was given training of 4 hours. Basic self defence moves were taught to girl students to protect themselves in case of crises. Training was given by Jadhav Ranjeetkumar (Student of FYBCOM) and Kanojiya Ganeshkumar (Student of SYBCOM), trainers at Eagle Eye Martial Arts . 196 students have attended training.

World Laughter Day

Date: 10/01/2020

World Laughter Day was celebrated by Women Development Cell in association on 10th January, 2020 in association with Anubhuti NGO. Session covered different aspects of Mental Health and stressed on that it is not necessary to be happy all the time. All the emotions are part of life and it is not necessary to wear mask of happy face all the time. Mr. Yash Jha tried to make students laugh by sharing different funny experiences of life. 75 girls and 40 boys attended the session.

Constitution Literacy

Date: 24/10/2019

Women Development Cell of the college collaborated with Anubhuti for Constitution Literacy Inter-College Exam. Conducted Constitution Orientation Workshop as part of “Anubuti’s Constitution Literacy Inter College Exam 2020” on 24th October, 2019. Collabrated with Anubuti by providing venue and other facilities for the conduct of workshop. 100 students from different colleges attended the workshop. 3 classrooms were provided to them for conduct of exam from 2.00 pm to 4.30 pm on 11th January, 2020.
Student volunteers extended help in the conduct of examination. 118 students from different colleges including 12 students from our college appeared for the exam. Prize Distribution of Constitution Literacy Inter-Collegge Exam was held at K.M.Agrawal College on 27th January,2020. Students were awarded certificates for appearing for the exam. 12 Students from our college appeared for the exam and got Certificate for the same. Mr. Tarkesh Jha was awarded with the “Best Answer Award”


Posh Act Training (Faculty Members)

Date: 12/12/2019

POSH Act Training for the teaching and non- teaching staff was organised by Women Development Cell in association with MAVA (Men Against Violence and Abuse) on 12th December, 2019 from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm. The training provided a holistic socio- legal perspective on the existing law on prevention of sexual harassment at workplace. Various cases of sexual harassment were discussed and mechanism to deal with such cases was explained in detail.

Posh Act Training (Students)

Date: 09/12/2019 to 12/12/2019

POSH Act Training for the students was organised by Women Development Cell on 9th, 11th and 12th December, 2019 in association with MAVA (Men Against Violence and Abuse). Mr. Pravin Thote, Ms. Hazal Lobo and Mr. Altamash Khan were trainers for the workshop. Three hours workshop was conducted for all students giving them in depth knowledge about gender, Sexual Harassment and ways to redress sexual harassment. The training provided a holistic socio- legal perspective on the existing law on prevention of sexual harassment at workplace. Basic purpose of the workshop was to acquaint students about College Internal Complaints Committee and to provide sense of security for all students. Total 663 students across all streams attended the training.

Posh Street Play

Date: 09/12/2019

Women Development Cell organised Street Play on the theme “Saanche mein Duniya” .It was performed by the trained student leaders from different colleges who are associated with MAVA. Street play was on the theme of breaking gender binaries which was really an eye opener for everyone.

Session On Women Related Laws

Date: 16/01/2020

Session on Women related laws was organised by Women Development Cell in association with Dombivli Mahila Mahasangh.CA Jayshree Karve and Advocate Manisha Tulpule were resource person for the session. Real life cases involving violence against women were discussed and judgement given were also discussed. She stressed that girls need to be aware of their rights and they should not be dependent on anyone. 71 girls and 47 boys attended the session. Students appreciated the talk of advocate Manisha Tulpule and said definitely it will be beneficial for them in future.

Women's Day Celebration

Date: 04/03/2020 to 09/03/2020

Women Development Cell has organized session on “Confidence Building” on 4th March, 2020. Resource person of the session was our principal Dr. Padmaja Arvind. Madam has tried to boost the confidence of girls through different motivational stories. 81 girl students attended the session. In charge of activity: Mrs. Sunita Sidhani. Outcome of the Activity: Girls felt that session has boosted their confidence level. Videos focusing on women empowerment and contribution of women in various field were screened. Discussion on videos was initiated by Ms. Salochna Nagdev and Ms. Babita Nagdev, convenor of Women Development Cell. Total 10 videos were shown to the students. 76 girls and 21 boys attended the video screening. Essay Writing Competition was held on 5th March, 2020. Topics given to students were 1)My idea about Equality 2) Role of Education in Women Empowerment 3) Gender inequalities “Past issues” and future possibilities. Total 36 Essays were written by the students across different streams. Mrs. Sreekala Nair was incharge of the activity. Mr. Ishan Iyer from FYBMS and Ms. Pragati Shetty from FYB&I are the winner of essay writing competition. Poster making competition was held. Topics of the posters were 1) Nari Shakti 2) Women’s Trafficking 3) Women and Media Total 11 posters were presented by the students. Mrs. Tejaswini Shivsharan was incharge of the activity. Mr. Pradeep Kumar from SYBCOM is the winner of poster making competition. Four girls from FYBCOM participated in District level Self Defence Training Programme held at Pragati College on 8th March, 2020. Participants were awarded with participation certificates. Discussion on “Gender Equality” was held on 9th March, 2020. 11 girls and 10 boys participated in the discussion. Discussions were held on the topics like treatment girls/boys get at home, Education and gender role, changes needed in gender role, women in sports, sexual harassment and feminism. 38 girls and 22 boys attended the discussion. Dr. Padmaja Arvind- Principal The S.I.A. College of Higher Education and Mrs. Prajakata Arnalkar- College Counsellor moderated the discussion. Ms. Babita Nagdev and Mrs. Tejaswini Shivsharan were incharge of the activity. Session on Equality was conducted by Mrs. Prajakata Counsellor. Equal treatment from birth at home, in education, at work place, equal opportunities in sports, role of youth in creating gender equal society were covered. Ms. Babita Nagdev was in charge of the activity. 25 boys and 43 girls attended the session. POSH Act, 2013 Advance level training was conducted for those students who have already undergone such training last year. Awareness of POSH Act provisions such as Sexual harassment at workplace, role of ICC, complaint handling procedure were covered in detail. 15 boys and 29 girls attended the training. Ms. Salochna Nagdev and Mrs. Sreekala Nair were in charge of the activity.

2018 – 19

Guest Lecture on "Women And Law"

On 25th Aug,2018 organized a guest lecture for students on the topic “Women and Law”. The Guest speaker is advocate Rupali Sapre, (Advocate, High court) and our alumni Ms Himani Kulkarni from B.Sc.(IT).

126 students participated.

The outcome was to Create Legal awareness relating to laws for women.

Film Screening on Dignity of Women

On 28 Sept,2018 organized Film Screening on Dignity of Women in association with Vacha Trust NGO and NSS UNIT. Short films on topics like poverty, education, status of woman, sexual harassment, virginity were shown to students and discussion was organized.

135 students participated.

The outcome was to create understanding and awareness of dignity of women in the society.

2-Day Workshop on Understanding Gender

On 27th& 28th, Nov,2018 2-Day Workshop on Understanding Gender was organized. The workshop focused on gender differentiation, patriarchy, fair & training. A Gender fair was arranged for students to give a broad understanding of gender.

Various games such as Nail & hammer, Body image, nine pins, my dreams, rings etc. Information relating to issues like menstruation, gender bias was also shared by students. Ms Rupali PethkarProjet co-ordinator from NGO Vacha Charitable trust has conducted workshop.

39 students participated and 210 students attended the gender fair.

The outcome was Understanding various aspects of Gender discrimination and gender bias.

Constitution Literacy Awareness and Inter Collegiate Competitive Exam

On 20th Jan,2019 10 students from our college across different streams attended the awareness programme. The students also appeared for the Constitution Literacy inter collegiate competitive exam. Students got the certificates for the exam given and cleared. Ms Tillotama from Anubhuti Charitable Trust NGO has conducted awareness session.

The purpose of this examination was to Create awareness on Constitution of India among the youth.

Training And Awareness Programme on Prevention of Sexual Harassment

On 22nd Feb,2019 organized a training and awareness program on ‘Protection from Sexual Harassment’ – including legal training of the Prevention of Sexual Harassment Act 2013 and awareness about safety from violence with both male and female students. The session used interactive methods of film screening, discussion and exercises. Miss Amrita De from Anubhuti Charitable Trust NGO has conducted training and awareness programme.

The outcome of this training was to create awareness about safety from violence with both male and female students & ‘Protection from Sexual Harassment’

Symposium on Contribution of women in various fields on account of International Women’s Day

On the occasion of Women’s day on 8th march,2019 WDC organized session on mental health of Women and a Symposium on Contribution of Women in various fields. 5 students participated in the discussion. 105 students attended the session.

MS Prajakta College counsellor was the in charge of the Symposium.

Awareness session on health and nutrition

On the occasion of Women’s day on 8th march,2019 WDC along with NSS unit organized session on Awareness on health and nutrition for students The resource person gave various ways to stay healthy and active in life. 56 students and 6 members from sagarli area attended the session.

The objective of this session was to Create awareness relating to health and nutrition among students.

Essay Contest on topic "My idea about Marriage"

On 8th march,2019 8 students participated in essay contest organized by Bharatiya Stree Shakti (NGO).
1 student won 2nd prize in the essay contest.

The aim was to Present students ideas related to marriage on public platform.

2017 – 18

2017-18 Report

The Women Development Cell of the college is formed with an aim to prevent sexual harassment, promote wellbeing of all the female students and staff members and create a gender sensitized community within campus as well as in the society. The cell is also responsible to undertake the awareness programmes on gender sensitization, women rights and women empowerment colleges.

During 2017-18 WDC organised the following events :

  • Guest lecture for students on Women and Law on 8th Jan,2018. The Guest speaker is advocate Rupali Sapre, (Advocate, High court). About 100 students attended the lecture.
  • Guest lecture on Women & Health and Health Check up camp for girl students on 8th March 2018.It was organised by Swasthyam Ayurveda Research Centre team in our college. 190 students attended the lecture and health camp.

2016 – 17

Orientation About Internal Complaints Committee

On 10th July, 2016 Orientation about Internal Complaints Committee was given during Parents ‘ Teachers’ Meeting. Parents as well students were made aware about the functioning of WDC and activities conducted by the committee during 2015-16

World Population Day

“World Population Day” was celebrated on 11th July, 2016 by organising a session on this year’s theme “Investing in teenage girls”. Ms. Amrita De from Vacha Trust was the speaker for the session. On this occasion NSS students performed a skit on the problems faced by the girls and gave solutions for such problems. Ms. Amrita highlighted the importance of educating the teenage girls and focused on health and human rights of girls. Student participants were divided into groups and were given various topics for discussion like what are their views when they visit ground, bus stop, public toilets, youth group and nukkad etc. Students openly shared their experiences and they were also provided with the possible solutions for such problems.

Self Defense Training

‘Self Defense Training’ of three hours for girls was organised on 16th July, 2016. Training was given by experienced trainers from “Victory Judo Sports Association”. The trainers were Ms. Poorva Matthew and Mr. Ashutosh Lokare. Different techniques were taught and practiced, which girls can use in the time of crisis to protect themself. The training was basically for confidence boosting and making the girls to be alert before any wrong happen to them. Fifty girls participated in the training programme.

Cyber Security

Session on “Cyber Security” was organised on 23rd February, 2017. Mr. Ritesh Bhatia was the speaker for the session. Mr. Bhatia is the founder Director of V4WEB and is working as cyber law and forensics consultant. In the session cyber crimes happened in the recent past were discussed and prevention mechanism were made known to the audience. He mainly emphasised on the reasons for the cyber crimes and how to be safe in cyber space. Approximately 100 students attended the session.