As the tagline says “Save and Keep Environment GREEN” this club is formed specifically to encourage activities related with Environmental Awareness and Conservation. Some of the activities which are conducted under this club are Tree Plantation and Adoption of the Plants, Exhibition on Environmental Awareness, Green Rally, Poster Making Competition, Best out of Waste and Signature Campaign to protect the environment.

2024 – 25

Vruksha Bhandara

Name of the Event: Vruksha Bhandara
Organizing Agency: Eco-Club
Date: 26th January 2025
Time: 8.00 am to 12.00 pm
Venue: College ground
Target audience: Citizens, Faculty Members and Students
Teacher incharge: Dr. Nitinkumar M. Patil
Purpose of the activity:
● To create an awareness among the citizens about afforestation and climate change.
● Conservation of environment

Activity: Eco-club in association with Hariyali NGO took the initiative to organize the sapling distribution activity called Vruksha Bhandara on Republic Day i.e 26 th January 2025 at 8 am in the college ground. Hariyali (NGO) distributed 194 saplings including money plants, Tulsi, lemongrass, Mango Spiral Flag, Lily, Hibiscus, Green Paradise (Had Jod), and palm etc. were distributed among the locals. Management members and trustees of the SIA College, Principal Dr. Padmaja Arvind and authorities from Hariyali were present for the activity. They also distributed one kg of organic compost per sapling free of cost.

Outcome: Through this program the participants got an opportunity to plant the saplings provided by the NGO in their locality as well as their nearby premises. And use organic manure for the growth of edible plants.

Male: 25

Female: 60

Total: 85

Eco-Club Orientation

Name of the Event: Eco-Club Orientation
Organizing Agency: Eco-Club
Date: 31st July 2024
Time: 8.20 am
Venue: G3, G4, 105, 305, 306 307, 309, 312 & 313
Teacher incharge: Dr. Shilpa Malani
Purpose of the activity:
● To sensitize students towards a healthy ecosystem.
● To educate the students about activities conducted in Eco-Club.
Activity: Second & Third year students shared their experiences of participating in Eco Club activities in a team and development of leadership skills. Students were also informed about the various activities to be conducted under eco club i.e e-waste collection mega drive, Best out of waste competition, Eco friendly Ganesh idol making workshop and various environmental awareness sessions which will be conducted.
Outcome: First year students were encouraged to take part actively in both preserving the environment and spreading awareness about the hazards of degradation of the environment to the community.

Total Beneficiaries:
M: 181
F: 203
Total: 384


Seedball making Workshop

Date: 12-8-2024

Name of the Event: Seedball making Workshop

Organizing Agency: Eco-Club

Date: 10th August 2024

Time: 10.45 am

Venue: College ground

Target audience: FYBBI and Eco-Club Volunteers

Teacher incharge: Dr. Shilpa Malani

Purpose of the activity:

  • To involve students in preparing Seed balls and sapling plantations in the Campus.

Activity: A ‘Workshop on Seedball making’ was conducted on 10/08/2024. This workshop was conducted under the guidance of members of the Hariyali Foundation which helped and provided students with knowledge and hands-on learning experience that brought out the creative, fun side of students. 3 groups of 20 students in each group were formed. 1st group planted stachytarpheta which attracts various types of butterflies. 2nd group planted dracaena an air purifier plant which has pink edges. 3rd group prepared seed balls. Seed balls are a mixture of soil, compost, and seeds. With the monsoon setting in, these planted seed balls will ultimately mature into trees, resulting in increased green cover. Hariyali members Mr Satish Joshi, Ms Jayalakshmi Chekkala, Ms Pratima Bhatt, Mr Sudhir Lad, Ms Shailaja Vaidhy, Ms Parvati Shanbhag and Mr Amrutkar guided the students for the activity.


Outcome: Students were thrilled to be a part of this workshop as they were experimenting with seeds like reetha. Seed Balls were distributed to all the students of the College and were requested to plant the Seed Balls in their garden or convenient and favourable areas as a contribution towards a green and healthy environment. A sense of accomplishment and pride was filled in students as they were contributing to make the college campus greener.


Total Beneficiaries:

M: 25

F: 46

Total: 71

Milk Bag Collection Drive

Date: 12-8-2024

Name of the Event: Milk Bag Collection Drive

Organizing Agency: Eco-Club

Date: 15th July – 15th August 2024

Time: 7 am to 2 pm

Venue: College ground

Target audience: Entire College students

Teacher incharge: Dr. Shilpa Malani

Purpose of the activity: To reuse milk bags for growing saplings instead of going into the landfill to reduce the harmful effect of plastic waste.

Activity: A Milk bag Collection Drive was organized for a month i.e., from 15th July to 15th August 2024. Milk Bag Collection Point was at Ground Floor from 7 am to 2 pm. This campaign involves collecting used milk bags from the students, neighbours and community, repurposing them to support sapling growth, and ultimately planting these saplings to enhance local green spaces with the help of Hariyali Foundation. Students have volunteered to sort and clean the collected milk bags, preparing them for use in planting saplings.

Outcome: The involvement of students in the milk bag collection drive has been instrumental in its success. Their efforts have significantly reduced the amount of waste going to landfills. This drive collected a total of 2590 milk bags.

Total Beneficiaries:

M: 43

F: 136

Total: 179

Best out of waste exhibition cum competition

Name of the Event: Best out of waste exhibition cum  competition

Organizing Agency: Eco-Club

Date: 28th August 2024

Time: 10.30 am

Venue: Auditorium

Target audience: Entire college students

Teacher incharge: Dr. Nitin Kumar  Patil

Purpose of the activity:

  • To generate a habit of using old things to create beautiful crafts among students
  • To get maximum practical benefits from products and to generate the minimum amount of waste.

Activity: Participants made models on Best out of waste to show the creativity about waste things and converted them into usable models

Outcome: Students displayed their creative arts and crafts ideas by making water purification model, House clock, Wall pieces with water curtains, bird nests and flower pots using plastic water bottles. etc. After making the products, it was displayed in an exhibition where entire college students, teachers and non- teaching staff  visited and appreciated the creativity of participants.
Beneficiaries Male: 36 Female: 36 Total: 72


Sr. No Name of the student Class Position
1 Mrs. Shivani Rajbhar F. Y. B.M.S. First
2 Mr. Bharat S. Acharya S.Y.B.M.S. Second
3 Mr. Vishal S. Karate F.Y.B.M.S. Third


Eco-friendly ganesh idol workshop

Date: 2-9-2024

Name of the Event: Eco-friendly Ganesh idol making (with शादु माटी)

Organizing Agency: Eco-Club

Date: 31st August, 2024

Time: 11 am to 1 pm

Venue: Boys Common Room and adjacent classroom

Target audience: Entire college students

Trainer: Ms Aarti Chaudhary (Corporate Trainer)

Teacher incharge: Dr. Hasitkumar Nagariya

Purpose of the activity: The aim of the workshop was to raise awareness about the environmental impact of Ganpati celebrations and encourage eco-friendly alternatives.

Activity: Students gained hands-on experience in creating Eco-friendly Ganesh idols, fostering creativity and environmental consciousness.

Outcome: Ms.Aarti Chaudhary (Corporate Trainer) conducted the workshop. She informed the students about Plaster of Paris (PoP) idols, which is a non-biodegradable material which endangers marine life and the health of our water bodies. Also the dyes and glitter on POP idols are harmful. Eco-friendly ganesh idol made up of Shadu Maati does not pollute natural water sources. She taught the participants how to make Ganapati Idol from Shadu Maati by live demonstration. She created a group of 4-5 participants and trained them to create Ganapati Idol. All participants created an idol by using their creativity and had a joyful learning session. This workshop inspired students to adopt sustainable practices in their daily lives and make a positive impact on the environment. Students learned about the importance of using natural and biodegradable materials, reducing pollution and promoting sustainability.

Total Participants:

M: 26

F: 66

Total: 92

2023 – 24

Vegetable Garden: Seedling Activity

Name of the Committee: Eco Club

Name of the Event: Vegetable Garden: Seedling Activity

Date: 13 December 2023

Time: 11.30 am

Venue: The S.I.A. College Campus In Association with: Hariyali (NGO)

Purpose of the Activity: In order to promote the on-campus Vegetable Garden, the Eco club of the college in association with Hariyali (NGO) organized the Vegetable Gardening Phase-I Seedling Activity on Wednesday, 13th December 2023 at 11.30 a.m.

Activity: Representatives and plantation experts from Hariyali (NGO), Mr. Satish Joshi, oversaw the activity. Dr. Padmaja Arvind, the principal blessed and planted eight different kinds of seeds: ridge gourd, sponge gourd, cucumber, pumpkin, snake gourd, bottle gourd, and bitter gourd. Mr. Joshi’s advice and guidelines for vegetable gardening that is environmentally friendly followed by seedling activity. He discussed the significance of vegetable gardening, its benefits and development. In India, vegetable gardening has long been a tradition dating back thousands of years. According to Mr. Joshi, vegetable gardening is a farming technique that uses crop residues, cow dung, compost, farm wastes, aquatic wastes, and other biological materials along with beneficial microbes like bio-fertilizers to release nutrients to crops for increased sustainable production in an environmentally friendly, pollution-free environment. This is done to cultivate the land and raise crops in a way that maintains the soil alive and in good health. Dr. Padmaja Arvind discussed the goal of establishing on-campus vegetable gardening and how the eco-club should utilize this initiative for the benefit of the local community and students. Conveners and members of the eco-club were present at the time of seedling.


Male: 25

Female: 18

Total: 43

Eco Club Orientation

Name of the Event: Eco Club Orientation

Organizing Agency: Eco Club

Date: 14, 15 & 17th July 2023

Time: 9.20 to 10.20 am

Venue: G4, G5, 105, 110, 111, 304, 305, 306 & 309


Teacher incharge: Dr. Shilpa Malani

Purpose of the activity:

  • To sensitize students towards a healthy ecosystem.
  • To educate the students of what eco club is and how it works.

Activity: Second year students shared their experiences of participating in Eco Club activities in a team and development of leadership skills. Students were also informed about the various activities to be conducted under eco club i.e  e-waste collection mega drive, Best out of waste competition, Eco friendly Ganesh idol making workshop and various environmental awareness sessions which will be conducted.

Outcome: First year students were encouraged to take part actively in both preserving the environment and spreading awareness about the hazards of degradation of the environment to the community.


Total Beneficiaries:

Male: 203

Female: 250

Total: 453


Best out of waste exhibition cum competition

Name of the Event: Best out of waste exhibition cum  competition

Organizing Agency: Eco Club

Date: 28th August 2023

Time: 11 am

Venue: Auditorium

Target audience: Entire college students

Teacher incharge: Dr. Nitin Kumar  Patil

Purpose of the activity:

  • To generate a habit of using old things to create beautiful crafts among students
  • To get maximum practical benefits from products and to generate the minimum amount of waste.

Activity: Participants made models on Best out of waste to show the creativity about waste things and converted them into usable models

Outcome: Students displayed their creative arts and crafts ideas by making a well with a water pump, a model of a tree using a coconut shell, purses and bags using paper, toys, jewelry, flower pots etc. After making the products, it was displayed in an exhibition where entire college students, teachers and non- teaching staff  visited and appreciated the creativity of participants.

  Participants Beneficiaries
Male 7 42
Female 17 117
Total 24 159




Sr. No Name of the student Class Position
1 Lakshmi Kadam TYBCOM 1st
2 Bharat Achary FYBMS 2nd


Addressing garbage management outside SIA college

Name of the club: Eco-Club

Name of the event: Addressing and managing garbage dumping outside SIA college and spreading awareness in the college.

Organizing Agency: Eco-Club

Date: 10th August 2023

Time: 8.10 am- 1 pm

Venue: The  S.I.A College of Higher Education

Target audience: Entire college community

Teacher incharge: Dr. Shilpa Malani

Purpose of the activity:  To keep our premises and neighbourhood neat and clean

Activity: Students along with the teacher-incharge observed waste lying outside our college, prepared reports and approached KDMC sanitary inspector Mr. Kismat Rao and Nagarsevak Mr. Mahesh Patil to get garbage bins installed outside the college. A session on waste management was organised on 8th August 2023 at 11 am in the auditorium, where KDMC officials and Nagarsevak were invited to solve the problem. A meeting was conducted where President Shri. K. V. Ranganathan, Principal Dr. Padmaja Arvind, Vice-Principal Mrs Booma Halpeth, Environment Consultant Mrs Rashmi Joshi, Nagarsevak Mr. Mahesh Patil along with Eco-Club committee members were present for the meeting.

Eco-Club students attended a session on waste management and shared their learnings from the session to entire college students. Students spread awareness on 10th August 2023 about the proper waste management and how each household is responsible for waste segregation.


Students were encouraged to take part actively in both preserving the environment and spreading awareness about the hazards of dumping garbage at open spaces to the community.

Total beneficiaries:
Eco-Club volunteers who participated in the presentation:-

Male: 6
Female:  9
Total: 15

Total beneficiaries: 552

Eco-friendly Ganesh Idol Workshop

Date: 7-9-2023

Name of the Event: Eco-friendly Ganesh idol making (with साडू मिट्टी)

Organizing Agency: Eco-Club

Date: 4th September, 2023

Time: 10 am to 12 pm

Venue: Room no 406 & 407

Target audience: Entire college students

Trainer: Ms Aarti Chaudhary (Corporate Trainer)

Teacher incharge: Dr. Hasitkumar Nagariya

Purpose of the activity: Every year in Maharashtra, approximately 150 million ganesh idols are immersed in lakes, rivers, and the sea during the 10-day Ganesh Chaturthi festival. A large amount of these idols is made of Plaster of Paris (PoP), which is a non-biodegradable material which endangers marine life and the health of our water bodies. Also the dyes and glitter on POP idols are harmful. Eco-friendly ganesh idol made up of Sadu mati does not pollute natural water sources. The main purpose of the workshop was to generate awareness and also train the students in eco-friendly idol making.The Workshop was conducted in 2 batches. First Batch from 10am to 11am and Second Batch from 11am to 12pm.

Outcome: Ms.Aarti Chaudhary (Corporate Trainer) conducted the workshop. She taught the participants how to make Ganapati Idol from Sadu Mati by live demonstration. She created a group of 3 participants and trained them to create Ganapati Idol, she even guided the students during the session. All participants had a joyful learning session.

Total Participants:

M: 33

F: 67

Total: 100

Survey on Consumerism (Green Consumer Day)

Name of the Event: Green Consumer Day
Organizing Agency: Eco-Club
Date: 25/9/2023 to 30/9/2023
Time: 7 am to 9 pm
Venue: Online and offline
Target audience: Entire college students
Teacher incharge: Dr. Shilpa Malani

Purpose of the activity:
● To identify consumption patterns by people in our surroundings, family and
● To spread awareness and the importance of recycling, reusing and reducing waste
Activity: A ‘Survey on Consumerism’ was conducted for an entire week, from 25/9/2023 to
30/9/2023 on account of Green Consumer Day which was celebrated on 28 th September 2023.
This survey was conducted to understand the existing consumption pattern of people around us.
This exercise can allow us to highlight the problems of consumerism and its impact on the

Outcome: Students observed consumption patterns of individuals on a daily and weekly basis.
Students sensitised the consumers regarding their consumption of packed foods resulting in piles
of waste being accumulated at the landfills. So that these people will think before making their
next purchase. And also made them aware how they can compost their wet waste and use it as
manure for their plants.

Total Beneficiaries:
M: 102
F: 223
Total: 325

No Vehicle Day

Name of the Event: No Vehicle Day
Organizing Agency: Eco-Club
Date: 9 th December,2023
Time: Entire day
Venue: College ground
Target audience: Entire college
Teacher incharge: Dr. Hasitkumar Nagariya
Purpose of the activity:
 To raise environmental sensitivity and awareness among students about the vehicular
Activity: No Vehicle day was observed on 9th December,2023. Students were not allowed to
enter with petrol and diesel vehicles in the campus on this day.
Outcome: The premises otherwise filled with hundreds of two wheelers are today free from
honking and engine emissions.
Male: 69 Female: 48 Total: 117

Visit to Medicinal plants exhibition

Name of the Event: Visit to Medicinal plants exhibition

Organizing Agency: Eco-Club

Date: 12th January, 2024

Time: 11 am

Venue: Kalidas Auditorium, Mulund

Target audience: Eco-Club students

Teacher incharge: Dr. Shilpa Malani

Purpose of the activity:

  • To create awareness of conservation and traditional uses of herbs and medicinal plants to students.
  • To learn how to start composting at home.
  • To learn how to reduce, reuse and recycle waste.

Activity: Eco-Club students visited the Medicinal plants exhibition at Mulund which was organised by Hariyali NGO with the aim of creating awareness to the students about the utilization and importance of growing medicinal plants at home on 12/01/2024.

Outcome: Students explored nearly 160 medicinal plants and which are useful for small ailments like cough, cold, fever, swelling etc. Students came to know about the therapeutic properties of medical plants that are very useful in healing various diseases and how they can be used as substitutes for the synthetic, expensive medicines. They explored plants like:

  1.  Mytragyna paviflora basically used for loose motion and for gargeling.
  2. Long Pepper (Scindapsus Officinalis) used in fever ,cough, cold, or arthritis
  3. Sabah Snake Grass used in the treatment of dysentery and diabetes
  4. Hiptage Madablota used inArthritis and Asthma

Beneficiaries: 06 male beneficiaries and 08 female beneficiaries i.e total 14 students attended the visit


Vruksha Bhandara

Name of the Event: Vruksha Bhandara

Organizing Agency: Eco-Club

Date: 26th  January 2024

Time: 8.00 am to 12.00 pm

Venue: College ground

Target audience: Citizens, Faculty Members and Students

Teacher incharge: Dr. Nitinkumar M. Patil

Purpose of the activity:

  • To create an awareness among the citizens about afforestation and climate change.
  • Conservation of environment

Activity: Eco-club in association with Hariyali NGO took the initiative to organize the sapling distribution activity called Vruksha Bhandara on Republic Day i.e 26 th January 2024 at 8 am in the college ground. Hariyali (NGO) distributed 362 saplings of various types to the citizens. Management members and trustees of the SIA College, Principal Dr. Padmaja Arvind and authorities from Hariyali were present for the activity. They also distributed one kg of organic compost per sapling free of cost.

Outcome: Through this program the participants got an opportunity to plant the saplings provided by the NGO in their locality as well as their nearby premises. And use organic manure for the growth of edible plants.


Male: 47

Female: 49

Total: 96

Electronic Waste (e-waste) collection Drive Report

Name of the Event: Electronic Waste (e-waste) collection Drive Report

Organizing Agency: Eco-Club

Date: 2nd January 2024 to 31st January 2024

Time: 7 am to 4 pm.

Venue: Ground floor of The S.I.A College

Target audience: Entire college students

Teacher incharge: Dr. Shilpa Malani

Purpose of the activity:  This drive aims to serve the community by:

  • Planning a project as an outreach involving students collecting e-waste from various areas
  • Sensitizing people towards the harmful effects of disposing of electronic waste indiscriminately

Activity: Students participated in this community outreach programme and collected e-waste from their neighbours, friends, relatives and family. After collecting e-waste, students brought collected e-waste at the e-waste collection point located at the ground floor where a large drop box was kept to accumulate all the e-waste items collected.
Students brought e-waste discarded items like mobile phones, batteries, set up box, Wi-Fi routers, calculators, CD’s, adapters, C.P.U, monitor, Laptops, extension cords, headphones, earphones, electric tools, remote, mouse, keyboard, and so on.


Outcome: Through this community outreach program, students became aware and shared with the community about the hazards of e-waste recycling by the unorganised sector and educated them about alternate methods of disposing of their e-waste. Students also made a handmade banner of cotton cloth and painted it. They had spread awareness to other students about the harm effects of flex banner to the environment, whereas cotton cloth banner is environment friendly. Students also decorated the e-waste collection box with colours. Handmade banner made them to work together in groups and promotion of e-waste collection drive in the college developed leadership qualities among themselves and sensitivity towards the environment.

E- Incarnation Recycling Pvt. Ltd. recycling company was invited to collect and dispose off e-waste in an eco-friendly manner and provide us with a destruction certificate.

Sr. No. Year  Quantity of e-waste collected and recycled
1 2021-22 370 kgs
2 2022-23 762 kgs
3 2023-24 382 kgs

In April 2021-22 we collected 370 kgs of e-waste. In April 2022-23 e-waste collection was 762 kgs. Whereas in 2023-24 we collected and recycled 382 kgs of e-waste. This drive generated revenue of ₹6,838/- which was deposited in the college fund. SI.A. Junior college also participated in this drive.

Male beneficiaries: 158

Female beneficiaries: 236

Total beneficiaries: 394


World Water Day Report

Name of the Event: World Water Day Report
Organizing Agency: Eco-Club
Date: 22nd March, 2024
Time: 11 am to 1 pm
Venue: Classroom
Target audience: Entire college
Teacher incharge: Dr. Shilpa Malani in association with Hariyali
Purpose of the activity:
● To increase the awareness and knowledge about management of water resources.

Activity: World Water Day was observed on 22nd March, 2024. On this occasion, students were
reminded of the importance of freshwater and the need for sustainable water management
techniques. Because currently water shortage remains a global concern. Students of The S.I.A.
College of Higher Education took pledge for sustainable use, conservation and reuse of water.
Outcome: Students were informed to use minimise, save and reuse water and also to spread this
message to the entire community.
Male: 65 Female: 111 Total: 176

2022 – 23

Organic Farming: Harvesting Activity - Phase I and II

Name of the Committee: Eco Club

Name of the Event: Organic Farming: Harvesting Activity – Phase I and II

Date: 15th November 2022 (Phase I ) and 14th December 2022(Phase II)

Time: 1am to 2pm

Venue: The S.I.A. College Ground

In Association with: Student Council and Hariyali (NGO)

Purpose of the Activity

A harvesting activity of organic farming was organized by Eco club and Student Council in association with Hariyali (NGO) on Wednesday, 15th November 2022 at 9.30 a.m. considering the weather conditions and maturity of crops, the harvesting activity was conducted by the members of the eco-club under the guidance of the principal madam. Fruits of Sponge gourd were found matured for picking. Thus, by considering their sizes sponge gourds were picked up by the students. As this was the first harvest of the crop students were enthusiastic to get involved in the activity. During this activity, students could learn to identify the climbers by considering the shape, color and size of the fruits and leaves of the creeper. Students noticed that the maturity period of sponge gourd is less as compared with other vegetable crops. Students could also learn the method of vegetable handling. The effect of soil quality on crop growth, the importance of supplementary irrigation, advantages of drip irrigation method and the maintenance of drip irrigation systems are some of the aspects students could learn about.

As control of pests and diseases is one of the major hurdles in organic farming, the students were informed about it and introduced to the various bio pesticides. Students were also introduced to the process of preparing organic manure through composting. Along with convener, members of the eco-club as well as the student council, and students were actively involved in the harvesting activity. The activity generated 4.5kg of organically produced sponge guard by 14th December 2022 and the amount derived by selling it to staff member was Rs.189/-only.

Organic Farming Phase 1

Organic Farming Phase – I

Name of the Committee: Eco Club

Name of the Event: Organic Farming: Seedling Activity

Date: 10th September 2022

Time: 10am

Venue: The S.I.A. College Ground

In Association with: Student Council and Hariyali (NGO)

Purpose of the Activity: In order to promote on-campus Organic Farming the Eco club and student council in association with Hariyali (NGO) had organized Organic Farming Phase – I Seedling Activity on Saturday, 10th September 2022 at 10.00 a.m.

The activity was conducted under the guidance of Mrs. Jayalaxmi C. and Mr. Satish Joshi, representatives and plantation experts from Hariyali (NGO). In all, seven types of seeds viz. Ridge gourd, Sponge gourd, Cucumber, Pumpkin, Snake gourd, Bottle gourd, and Bitter gourd were sown in the auspicious hands of Dr. Padmaja Arvind, Principal, and Mrs. Booma Halpeth, Vice Principal. Initially, Mrs. Jayalaxmi C. introduced Mr. Satish Joshi. This was followed by the guidance and guidelines given by Mr. Joshi for eco-friendly organic farming. He talked about the importance of organic farming, the advantages of organic farming, and how to develop it.

Organic farming in India is not new and is being practiced since ancient times. Mr. Joshi Sir elaborated that, organic farming is a method of farming which primarily aimed at cultivating the land and raising crops in such a way, as to keep the soil alive and in good health by use of organic wastes crop residues, cow dung, compost, farm wastes, and aquatic wastes and other biological materials along with beneficial microbes like bio-fertilizers to release nutrients to crops for increased sustainable production in an eco-friendly pollution free environment.

Dr. Padmaja Arvind spoke about the purpose of developing on-campus organic farming, students and local people should take advantage of this initiative taken by the eco-club and student council.

The convenor and Members of the eco-club as well as the student council, faculty members, and students were actively involved in the seedling activity.

Eco-Club Report Organic Farming

Eco-Club Report Organic FarmingView

Eco-Club Report Organic Farming Seedling Activity Final

Eco-Club Report Organic Farming Seedling Activity FinalView

Eco-Club Report Organic Farming Photos

Eco-Club Report Organic Farming PhotosView

Brochure Final Org Farm

Brochure Final Org Farm View

World Population Day Celebration 11th July 2022

Name of the Committee: Eco Club 

Name of the Event: World Population Day (Awareness through Skit ) 

Date: 11th July 2022 

Time: 12 pm 

Venue:  The S.I.A. College Auditorium  

Purpose of the Activity:  The eco Club in association with Student Council had organized a skit on World Population Day in our college auditorium with the objective to raise awareness of all the negative impacts that population growth has on the steady development of nature. To create awareness about overpopulation issues, human rights violations and gender inequality problems in India. 

World Population Day 2022: Theme 

The theme of World Population Day 2022 is ‘A World of 8 billion: Towards a resilient future for all- Harnessing Opportunities and ensuring rights and choices for all’. Current population of World is 8 billion and of India is 140 crores 64 lakhs 65 thousand and 85 persons, however, not all of them have equal rights and opportunities 

 Outcome: Awareness towards increasing population growth and its impact on environment 

Participants presented posters in classes SYBCOM, TYBCOM, SYBAF, TYBAF, TYBBI, SYBMS, TY13MS & SY1T and explained effects of overpopulation issues like Deforestation, Unemployment, and Poverty, Gender inequality, health issues and maternity problems and discussed measures like family planning, gender equality, afforestation, right to health, baby’s health, etc. Therefore, World Population Day focuses on the importance of reproductive health and how it affects overall growth and development plans and programs. Students came to know about the importance of population issues and the need to curb them. Participants gained confidence by presenting the skit before the audience.  

No of Participants in the skit were 7 females and 10 males 

Male Beneficiaries: 186 

Female Beneficiaries: 278 

Total Beneficiaries: 464

Workshop on Eco-friendly Ganapati Idol Making

Name of the Committee: Eco Club 

Name of the Event: Eco-friendly Ganapati Idol Making (with Sadu Mati) 

Date: 13th August 2022 

Time: 11am to 1pm  

Venue:  The S.I.A. College Auditorium  

Trainer: Ms Aarti Chaudhary 

Purpose of the Activity:  Every year in Maharashtra, approximately 150 million Ganesh idols are immersed in lakes, rivers, and the sea during the 10-day Ganesh Chaturthi festival. A large amount of these idols is made of Plaster of Paris (PoP), which is a non-biodegradable material which endangers marine life and the health of our water bodies. Also the dyes and glitter on POP idols can be harmful. Eco- friendly Ganapati Idol made up of Sadu mati does not pollute natural water sources. The main purpose of the workshop was to generate awareness and also train the students in Eco-friendly Idol making. 

Outcome:   Ms.Aarti Chaudhary (Corporate Trainer) conducted the workshop. She taught the participant how to make Ganapati Idol from Sadu Mati by live demonstration. She created group of 3 participants and trained them to create Ganapati Idol, she even guided the students during the session. All participants including faculty members has wonderful learning session of creating Ganapati Idol. This drive generated revenue of Rs.1500/- from the evcnt. 

Male faculty member: 01 

Female Faculty member: 02 

Male Beneficiaries: 4 

Female Beneficiaries: 19 

Total Beneficiaries: 26

Electronic Waste (e-waste) collection Drive

Name of the Event: Electronic Waste (e-waste) collection Drive
Organizing Agency: Eco-Club
Date: 30th January 2023 to 31st March 2023
Time: 7am to 4pm.
Venue: Ground floor of The S.I.A College
Target audience: Entire college students
Teacher incharge: Dr. Shilpa Malani

Purpose of the activity: This drive aims to serve the community by:
● Planning a project as an outreach involving students collecting e-waste from various areas
● Sensitizing people towards the harmful effects of disposing of electronic waste indiscriminately
Activity: Students participated in this community outreach programme and collected e-waste from their neighbours, friends, relatives and family. After collecting e-waste, students brought collected e-waste at the e-waste collection point located at the ground floor where a large drop box was kept to accumulate all the e-waste items collected.
Students brought e-waste discarded items like mobile phones, batteries, set up box, Wi-Fi routers, calculators, CD’s, adapters, C.P.U, monitor, Laptops, extension cords, headphones, earphones, electric tools, remote, mouse, keyboard, and so on.

Outcome: Through this community outreach program, students became aware and shared with the community about the hazards of e-waste recycling by the unorganised sector and educated them about alternate methods of disposing of their e-waste. Students also made a handmade banner of cotton cloth and painted it. They had spread awareness to other students about the harm effects of flex banner to the environment, whereas cotton cloth banner is environment friendly. Students also decorated the e-waste collection box with colours. Handmade banner made them to work together in groups and promotion of e-waste collection drive in the college developed leadership qualities among themselves and sensitivity towards the environment.
E- Incarnation Recycling Pvt. Ltd. recycling company was invited to collect and dispose off e-waste in an eco-friendly manner and provide us with a destruction certificate.
E- Incarnation Recycling Pvt. Ltd. (ERPL) is one of the few Governments Certified Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) electronic waste recyclers in India. ERPL was conceived and established in 2010 with the ambition of creating a greener future by recycling and disposing of hazardous, end-of-life electronic products in an environmentally sustainable manner, to conserve and protect our environment.

Last year we collected 370 kgs of e-waste in April 2022. This year we collected almost double i.e. 762 kgs of e-waste. This drive generated revenue of ₹17,832/- which was deposited in the college fund. SI.A. Junior college also participated in this drive.

Male beneficiaries: 165
Female beneficiaries: 289
Total beneficiaries: 454

Certificate: SIA college 25.4.23 E-waste certificate (1)

Vrukash Bhandara

Name of the Event: Vrukash Bhandara
Organizing Agency: Eco-Club
Date: 26 th January 2023
Time: 11.30 am
Venue: College ground
Target audience: Entire college
Teacher incharge: Dr. Nitin Patil
Purpose of the activity:
● To create an awareness among the citizens about afforestation and climate change.
● Conservation of environment
Activity: Hariyali (NGO) distributed 300 saplings of various types that have been nurtured in
their nursery. They also distributed one kg of organic compost per sapling free of cost. This
activity was conducted on Republic Day i.e 26 th January 2023 at 11.30 am on the College
Outcome: Through this program the participants got an opportunity to plant the saplings
provided by the NGO in their locality as well as their nearby premises.
Male: 58 Female: 64 Total: 122

2021 – 22

Outbound Learning : Sensitivity towards Environment

Outbound Learning : Sensitivity towards EnvironmentView



E-waste Collection Drive Documents

E-waste PhotosView

E-waste Scanned ReportView

SIA College E-waste CertificateView

Electronic Waste Collection Drive:

Name of the Committee: Eco Club

Name of the Event: Electronic Waste Collection Drive

Date: 28th February to 4th March 2022

Time: 7am to 4pm

Venue: Ground Floor of The S.I.A. College

Speaker: —

Purpose of the Activity: Advancement in technology has resulted in piling up of electrical and electronic devices at a dizzying speed. E-waste is the fastest-growing toxic waste stream in the world and unfortunately, 95% of this e-waste is processed by the unorganized, unregulated, and unauthorized sector causing irreversible damage to the environment and to the underage labor employed in this trade. Toxins like lead, arsenic, cadmium, mercury, etc. are polluting our environment and our ecosystems. Landfilling and dumping of these items as well as the unregulated and unscientific processes used in the informal recycling sector are escalating the already mammoth problem of E-Waste pollution.

This drive aims to serve the community by:

Planning a project as an outreach involving students collecting e-waste from various areas
Sensitizing people towards the harmful effects of disposing of electronic waste indiscriminately
Outcome: Green initiative of disposing e-waste :-

Students participated in this community outreach programme and collected e-waste from their neighbors, friends, relatives, and family. After collecting e-waste, Students brought collected e-waste at the e-waste collection point located at the Ground floor where a large drop box was kept accumulating all the e-waste items collected.

Through this community outreach program, students became aware and shared with the community about the hazards of e-waste recycling by the unorganized sector and educated them about alternate methods of disposing their e-waste.

e- Incarnation Recycling Pvt. Ltd. recycling company was invited to collect and dispose off e-waste in an eco-friendly manner and provide us with destruction certificate.

e- Incarnation Recycling Pvt. Ltd. (ERPL) is one of the few Governments Certified Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) electronic waste recyclers in India. ERPL was conceived and established in 2010 with the ambition of creating a greener future by recycling and disposing of hazardous, end-of-life electronic products in an environmentally sustainable manner, to conserve and protect our environment. This drive generated revenue of Rs.7650/- which was deposited in college fund.
Male Beneficiaries: 102

Female Beneficiaries: 144

Total Beneficiaries: 246

Photos Eco-Club World Water Day Celebration 22nd March 2022

Photos Eco-Club World Water Day Celebration 22nd March 2022 – View

Report Water Conservation Day 22nd March 2022

Report Water Conservation Day 22nd March 2022 – View

2019 – 20

Eco-Club (Urvi)

Date: 27/07/2019
Time: 08.00 am to 2.00 pm

Eco Club of The S.I.A. College of Higher Education had organised ‘URVI’- one day intercollegiate Eco Fest on Saturday, 27 July 2019. Chief Guest Hon. Mr. Ulhas Karle- Green Industrialist, Owner of Gayatri Herbal Pvt. Ltd and Director of Samarth Bharat Vyaspeeth inaugurated the fest by lighting the lamp along with Hon, Mr. Pradeep Gosavi- Vice Chairman of General Education Institute, Hon, Mr. Vikram Vaidya of Rajashree Environment Solutions and active member of Hariyali, Dr. Rajshekhar Patil, HOD, Environmental Studies of SGM College Mumbai and Principal Dr. Padmaja Arvind.
While addressing the audience, Hon. Mr. Karle said that role of youth in conserving environment is very vital. He insisted on inculcating eco-friendly habits in the daily life that will mark environment as cynosure. Dr. Patil asserted the importance of such gatherings that generate awareness about environment among youth. He also suggested various ways in which the awareness about environment can be propagated further.
Inauguration was followed by various competitions like Nature Photography, Nature Drawing, A Minute Talk and Quiz. Fifty college students from ten colleges across Mumbai and Thane District participated in the competitions.
Hon. Mr. Balkrishna Kude- Chairman of Hariyali- Dombivli, Hon. Mr. Vijay Patil- ex officer of Pollution Control Board and member of Hariyali Dombivli, Hon. Mr. Satish Joshi- member of Hariyali-Dombivli conferred prises and the certificates to the winners. Hon. Mr. Anupam Acharya gave away the certificates to all the participants and admired their spirit to compete.
In the concluding remarks Hon. Mr. Pradeep Gosavi praised all the participants and admired the efforts taken by the Eco Club Team of the S.I.A. College of Higher Education- Dombivli.

Eco-Club (Vrikshabhandara)

Date: 3/7/2019

Time: 09.00 am to 12.30 pm

Eco Club has been working entire year of 2018-19 for this day. In the educational year 2018-19, Club members have sowed the seeds and cuttings of various fruit bearing trees and ornamental plants and took care of it to grow saplings. These saplings were distributed today to teachers, Students and community members of nearby area free of cost. Out of 180 saplings generated last year, 72 saplings were distributed. Mr. Kude, Mr. Joshi and Mrs, Chekkala of HARIYALI- Dombivli extended their hand of help to make the programme successful.