Notice of SY & TY all courses Sem III & V Reg Int Exam
Revised timetable for Int Examinations of Sem III & V
TYBAF_Sem V_Internal_Regular_Time Table_Auigust 2024
SYBAF_Sem III_Internal_Regular_Time Table_August 2024
Time tables of SY & TYBAMMC Int ATKT of Sem III & V
TYBMS Sem V internal time table 2024-25 ESANCHALAN Final
Time tables of SY & TYIT Sem III & V
Time tables of Internal of SYBI & TYBI of sem III & V
Exam Notice of SY BAF,BMS,BAMMC & IT Sem IV
Notice for ATKT Fee Payment of Sem V TY all courses
Time Tables of Internal Exam of SYBMS & SYBAMMC Sem IV
Notice for ALL TYBAF,BMS & BI Sem VI reg.Int.Exam
Time table of Int.Exam of SYIT Reg.Sem IV
Notice of ATKT Fee Payment of Sem II
Time tables of FY & SYBAMMC Sem I & IV External
FYBMS Sem 1 ATKT Int ‘Time Table Final
FYBMS Sem 1 ATKT Ext Time Table Final
FYBMS Sem 4 ATKT Ext Time Table Final
SYBMS Sem 4 ATKT Int Time Table Final
Time tables of FY & SYBI of Sem I & IV Ext
Time tables of SYBAF ATKT of Sem IV Int & Ext
Time tables of FY & SY Bcom ATKT of sem I & IV
Time tables of FYBAF Sem I Int & Ext
Time table of FYIT Sem II Practical
Time tables of FYIT Sem II ATKT of Int & Ext
Time tables of FYBMS Int & Ext of Sem II
Time tables of Int & Ext of FYBI Sem II
Time tables of BAF & Bcom Int Sem II & Ext II,
External Examination of B&I Sem I,II,III & IV ATKT
External Examination time tables of FY & SY ATKT Sem I,II,III & IV
Int examination time table of TYBSCIT Reg VI
Internal Examination Time table of SYB&I Sem III
Practical Examination time tables of ATKT Sem II,IV & V
Time tables of External ATKT BAF Sem I,II,III,& IV
Int & Ext time tables of BSCIT Sem I,II,III & IV
Internal examination of TYBI sem V ATKT
Time tables of ATKT of SYBMS & SYBAMMC of Sem III
Regular exams of SYBMS & SYBAMMC Sem III
Time table of SYBI ATKT of Sem III
Time table of SYIT Reg Sem III
Time tables of SYBCOM Sem III Reg & ATKT
Time table of SYBAF Reg Sem III
Time table of FYBCOM NEP 2020 Reg Sem I
Time table of FYBAF NEP 2020 Sem I Reg
Time tables of Regular & ATKT of Sem I & III
Time tables of Int of FYBI,TYBI
Time table of FYBMS NEP 2020 sem I Reg
Time table of FYBAF(NEP 2020) Sem I Regular
Time table of FYBI(NEP 020)Sem I
Time tables ofFYIT Sem I NEP 2020 & FYIT Practical
Time table of FYBCOM(BMS)NEP2020 Sem I
Time table of Ext Examination of SYBI Sem IV
Time table of Ext examination of SYBAF Sem IV
Time Table of External examination of SYBSCIT Sem IV
Time table of External examination of SYBAMMC ATKT & Regular Sem IV
Time table of Ext examination of SYBMS Sem IV
Time table of Ext examination of SYBCOM Sem IV
Time table of SY All courses of External Sem IV
Internal of F.Y.BBI Sem II NEP 2020
Internal time table of FYBAMMC NEP 2020 Sem II
Internal time table of FYBCOM(MS)NEP 2020 Sem II
- Notice regarding date of KT examination 2023-24
- Notice regarding KT Fee Payment
- Notice regarding sem 6 bms baf bbi kt
- Notice regarding sem V and sem VI atkt fee payment
- Notice regarding Fee Payment _ ATKT
- Time Table of ATKT Sem I,II,III & IV Ext & Int
- Notice Regarding KT fee Payment
- Notice Regarding KT fee Payment
- sem 6 KT fee payment link
- Time table of Ext SYBCOM Sem IV
- Revaluation notice of ATKT Sem IV 25.4.24
- Revaluation notice of ATKT Sem I & II dt 19.4.24
- MCOM ATKT Fee payment(Old)
- MCOM ATKT Fee Payment
Time Table
- Int.Exam of TYIT Sem VI ATKT
- Int.Examination TYBMS ATKT Sem VI
- Ext.Exam time table of SYBMS ATKT Sem III
- Time table of SYIT Sem IV ATKT of Int.Ext & Prac
- Time table of FYIT Sem II ATKT of Int & Ext
- S.Y.B.Com Sem III Atkt External winter 2023
- S.Y. BAF Sem III Atkt External exam winter 2023
- Old Syllabus time table of FYIT ATKT of Sem II
- Internal Exam time Table of FYIT ATKT Sem I
- Int.Exam time table of SYBMS ATKT Sem III
- Int & Ext ATKT of FYBI Sem II held in Aug’23
- Int & Ext ATKT of FYBI Sem I held in Aug’23
- F.Y.BMS Sem I Atkt Internal exam winter 23
- F.Y.BMS Sem I Atkt External exam winter 2023
- F.Y.BAF Sem I Internal exam Winter 2023
- F.Y.BAF Sem I External exam winter 2023
- F.Y.B.Com Sem II Atkt external winter 2023
- F.Y.B.Com Sem I Atkt External exam winter 2023
- External exam of SYIT ATKT of Sem III
- Ext.time table of SYBMM ATKT of Sem III
- Ext.time table of FYBMM ATKT Sem I
- Fybi sem 2 External atkt exam time table
- FYBI Sem 2 internal atkt exam time table
- FYBMS Semester 2 ATKT External time table.
- FYBMS Semester 2 ATKT Internal time table.
- IT external sem 2 atkt
- IT_atkt internal sem 2
- IT_old syllabus external sem 2 atkt
- IT_old syllabus pract sem 2 atkt
- IT_practical sem 2 atkt
- SYBAF Sem IV_External ATKT_ Time table August 2023
- SYBAF Sem IV_Internal ATKT_August 2023
- SYBAMMC Semester 4 External ATKT Timetable
- SYBI sem 4 External atkt time table
- SYBI Sem 4 internal atkt Exam time
- SYBMS Semester 4 ATKT External time table.
- SYBMS Semester 4 ATKT Internal time table.
- SYIT_internal sem 4 atkt
- SYIT_sem 4 external atkt
- SYIT_sem 4 practical atkt
- FYBAF Sem II _Internal ATKT_ Time table August 2023
- FYBAF Sem II External ATKT _Time table August 2023
- FYBAMMC Semester 2 ATKT External Timetable
- Time Table of SYB&I ATKT Sem IV
- Time table of SYIT ATKT Sem IV
- Time tables of ATKT SYBMS &SYBMM Sem IV
- Time Table of SYBAF ATKT Sem IV
- Time tables of SYBMS & SYBMM Sem III
- Time table of SYBMS ATKT of Sem III
- Time tables of Int & Ext of SYB&I Sem III
- Time Tables of SYIT Int,Ext & Practical of Sem III ATKT
- Time Table of External ATKT of Sem I FYBCOM
- Time tables of FYB&I ATKT of Sem I
- Time Tables of FYBAF ATKT Sem I(Ext)
- Time tables of FYBMS ATKT sem I(Ext)
- Time tables of FYIT Sem I ATKT Int,Ext & Practical
- Time Table of External ATKT of Sem I FYBCOM
- FYBAF Sem II ATKT External and Internal Time table
- Internal & External time table of FYB&I Sem II
- Time Table of FYBAMMC Sem II ATKT
- Time table of FYBCOM Sem II External KT
- Time Tables of FYBMS Sem II ATKT Int & Ext
- Time tables of FYIT ATKT of Sem II
Time Table
- Time table of Int Exam of FYBMS Regular Sem I
- Sem 1 internal exam BAMMC Timetable
- FYBAF Sem Internal Time table of September 2023
- FYBI reg internal exam time table
- FYIT_internal_tt_sept 2023
- Extermal time table of SYBAMMC Sem III Regular
- External exam time table of SYBI Sem III Regular
- External time table of SYBCOM Sem III
- Revised time table of SYIT sem III regular
- Time table of SYBAF Sem III Regular
- Time table of SYBMS Sem III Regular
- Time table of SYIT Sem III Ext
- Time Tables of Regular Exams of Sem I of all courses
- Regular Exam time table of Sem I for FYBCOM
- Time Table of SYBAF ATKT Sem IV
- Time tables of ATKT SYBMS &SYBMM Sem IV
- Time table of SYIT ATKT Sem IV
- Time Table of SYB&I ATKT Sem IV
- Time table of Int FYIT & TYIT Sem II & VI
- Time tables of Int FYBMS & TYBMS Sem II & VI
- Time tables of Int FYBI & TYBI Sem II & VI
- ATKT Fee link of TYBCOM VI & TYIT Sem V
- External Time tables of SYBAMMC REG_ATKT SEM IV
- External Time tables of SYBMS REG_ATKT SEM IV
- Time table of External SYBAF _REG_ATKT Sem IV
- Time table of REG_EXTERNAL SYBCOM Sem IV
- Time tables of SYIT REG_ATKT & Practical of Sem IV
- Time table of External SYBI REG_ATKT Sem IV
- Time tables of Int FYBI & TYBI Sem II & VI
- Internal time table of FYBAF & TYBAF Sem II & VI
- Modification time table of Internal TYBMS Sem VI
- Time tables of FYBI Sem II
- Time table of BCOM Sem II
- Time table of FYBAF sem II
- MCOM Part-I Sem II Internal ExaminationTime table of FYIT Sem II & Practical Sem II
- Time tables of FYBAMMC & FYBMS Sem II
- Revised SYBCOM ATKT Sem IV
Internal Exam
- Semester 2 and semester 6 regular internal examination commences from 1st March 2023.
- BCOM Computer Practical (Internal) Examination 2022-23
- Notice Regarding ATKT Fee Payment Semester 1, 2, 4 and 6
- MSc Part II Internal Timetable 2022-23
- FYBAF Semester1 Regular ATKT Internal Exam Time table October 2022
- FYBBI Semester I Regular & Atkt Internal Time table October 2022-23
- FYBMS Semester I Regular ATKT Internal Timetable October 2022-23
- FYIT Semester 1 ATKT Internal Timetable October 2022-23
- FYIT Semester 1 Regular Internal Timetable October 2022-23
- SYBAF Semester III Regular Exam Time Table October 2022
- SYBAMMC semester lll Regular Timetable October 2022-23
- SYBBI Semester 3 Regular External Time table October 2022- 23
- SYBMS Sem 3 External Regular Time Table
- SYBCOM Semester 3 Regular External Timetable October 2022-23
- SYIT Semester 3 Regular External timetable October 2022-23
- SYIT Semester 3 Regular Practical timetable October 2022-23
- MSc Part II Internal Timetable 2022-23
- Notice Regarding Semester 1 Internal Examination
- Notice Regarding Semester 3 Regular External Examination
- Notice Regarding ATKT Fee Payment Semester 1, 2, 4 and 6
External Exam
- Notice Regarding Revaluation of SY Sem IV Examination- BCOM AND BMS
- Notice Regarding Revaluation of SY Sem IV Examination
- Notice regarding Semester 2 regular external examination
- Notice regarding sem 4 external examination
- Notice Regarding Sem I Regular/ Atkt external examination December 2022-23
- Notice Regarding Sem 2 and Sem 4 Atkt external examination November 2022-23
- TY IT External Exam Regular Time Table SEM II
- FY BMS External Exam Regular Time Table SEM II
- FY BMS External Exam Time Table SEM II
- FY BI External Exam ATKT Time Table SEM II
- FY BI External Exam Regular Time Table SEM II
- FY External Exam ATKT Time Table SEM II
- FY BAF External Exam ATKT Time Table SEM II
- SY IT External Exam ATKT Time Table SEM III March 2022
- FY BMS External Exam ATKT Time Table SEM I March 2022
- SY BMS External Exam ATKT Time Table SEM III March 2022
- TY BMS External Exam ATKT Time Table SEM V March 2022
- SY B & I External Exam ATKT Time Table SEM III March 2022
- FY BAF External Exam ATKT Time Table SEM I March 2022
- FY B.Com External Exam ATKT Time Table SEM I March 2022
- SY B.Com External Exam ATKT Time Table SEM III March 2022
- TY B.Com External Exam ATKT Time Table SEM V March 2022
- SY B&I External Exam Regular/ATKT Time Table SEM III 21-22
- SY BAF External Exam Regular/ATKT Time Table SEM III 21-22
- SY B.COM External Exam Regular/ATKT Time Table SEM III 21-22
- SY BSc IT External Exam Regular/ATKT Time Table SEM III 21-22
- Notice for Payment of ATKT Fee